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Pseudhapalopus sp. "blue" He no longer has it on the site, and it was difficult to ask if he has it again without knowing a name. If anyone knows please inform me thanks.
Now you have me looking them up. A very beautiful tarantula.
I've never seen one before last night. Do they keep the blue on them?Glad you like the pic... it's mine.
Thanks. I was wondering, once I started looking at them I didn't see blue in many. Still a great looking tarantula.To tell you the truth, the back of the abdomen is rather greyish black, at least in my P pulcher. I guess the blue tint is given by a certain light... (sometimes, the real tarantulas are a little bit disappointing in contrast with some photos...).
Only thing i can find in a quick google search is a 1-1.5" sling, $22.Thank you m8 been on the search for this one I got my Balfouri I got my p Metallica now I need this beauty! Know the price range? Female and male?
Thanks for that m8Only thing i can find in a quick google search is a 1-1.5" sling, $22.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=p. pulcher for sale - Sorry couldn't resist
Has yours lost the blue yet? Most adult pics I see are of the beige/blonde colour.....hence Panama Blonde common name I supposeGlad you like the pic... it's mine.
Has yours lost the blue yet? Most adult pics I see are of the beige/blonde colour.....hence Panama Blonde common name I suppose
Yep, that is a gorgeous Psalmopoeus pulcher. I have one. They are much more reclusive than most Psalmos, and mine is not defensive at all. They ARE a bit skittish but would rather hide than defend.[/QUOTE]
I haaaave to share this with you because it's amazing my Stromatopelma calceatum up close! Very very beautiful m8 also was super chill in my palm.
I've held all my Ts with no issue my p Metallica, my Monocentropus Balfouri, my a Enzendami, c Darlingi, c Marshalli, camaroon red baboon, even my OBT with no issues. Trick is don't fear them and to be calm and gentle and you will be just fine.That is one spider I will never even *think* of holding. You're brave!
ahahaha love how you worded it to hair napalm!Oh, I fear no T except my 2 P. so 'platyomma' females. I fear hair napalm more than fangs!
Oh, I fear no T except my 2 P. so 'platyomma' females. I fear hair napalm more than fangs!