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T stirmi tips, advice, and personal experiences


New Member
Hello! I’m a bit new here and kind of nervous haha, I came from arachnoboards but found the environment there too unfriendly and was recommended here instead.

I’m a keeper who’s been going for a few years now, been religiously into tarantulas and everything about them until I got into actually keeping a few years ago. I’ve had a few Ts now and decided to step up to something requiring a bit more experience because I felt pretty comfortable in keeping, but now with my stirmi, I’m starting to doubt myself as I can get prone to do.

I’ve researched extensively but that doesn’t change anxiety, and I really want to hear from other keepers directly with their experiences. Like, with as strong as these guys are, what’s the risk of escape, have you ever had any break out? Are there things about the info you see the most commonly online that you disagree with? I’d really like to hear personal experiences.

My stirmi is relatively docile… for a stirmi, which doesn’t mean much. Just very food aggressive, which I hear is common. Comes running out at breakneck speed at the slightest vibration, scared the crap outta me when I was trying to pull a clump of old nasty substrate out from the recent rehouse. Doesn’t kick much either, unless it has food in its mouth, then hairs start flying at the slightest provocation (I made the mistake of thinking distracting it with food would make it leave me alone while I changed the water dish it buried, that was a mistake). I’ve had this stirmi for about two weeks now.

What are your guys’ personal thoughts and “need to know” tips? It’s much more comforting to my overthinking hearing directly from folks.

And here’s a picture, I know it’s not the best, and the substrate/enclosure here looks really bad because this was the container it was sold in (taken the day I got it). Don’t worry, it’s since been moved to a nice appropriately sized terrarium with eight inches of coco fiber and some nice secure hides.

I bought this T from a really great local place with a shocking variety of tarantulas for a physical store, and it was in very good health and adapted to the new home right away, as in eating with all the enthusiasm that my much more food-fussy emilia doesn’t have.


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Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Welcome to the forum.

I have a couple of T stirmi's, one being Felicity. Flick is one of my largest T's being over just 8.5 inches at her last molt & she is a darling. She will flick at a shadow & will occasionally hiss, (stridate.) She can be heard from at least 3 feet away, but beyond that is very easy going.

This is her a few years ago. She has molted since then.


We own several Theraphosa's. Being made up of a few blondi's, as well as a couple of stirmi's & a couple of apophysis & none are aggressive & most are not even very defensive.

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