hello! first of ALL- thank you SO much for this very detailed, thought out plan of yours. I really do appreciate the time you took to write all this just to help a fellow T fanatic! This forum will never cease to amaze me with the uncountered support & advice you all offer, I am so lucky to be a part of this (kinda weird) family. I will definitely be trying these methods. However, important to note that my T is not a sling, she's about a year and a half old, so not full-grown but still definitely would not be thought of as a common spider if seen by someone else (3.5 inches in length I'd say). She is also an Avicularia Avicularia (pink toe), but that's less important as that breed is also not very dangerous at all to humans and animals alike. That being said, the ironic thing is that I was taking her out to show my friend that spiders are friends as she has pretty severe arachniphobia, but was open to the idea nonetheless. I feel terrible that my baby escaped in her apartment, rather than mine (not like I would especially love the idea of a loose T in my home (nor would anyone, even on those on this forum, I would assume), but I would definitely be more comfortable with the idea than someone who is afraid of spiders)). I have done lots of research and have heard various possibilities of what is more likely to happen, the most support I have in a conclusion is that she will eventually end up outside, living the rest of her life in the "wilderness" of Denver, Colorado (preferable to her dying in the vent or ending up in someone else's apartment). Anyways, I will keep you all updated with the search for Lucile.