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T. albo big enough for sexing?


New Member
Hey all! So my T albo molted last night and like the absolute saint and angel she is she didn’t shred her molt like all my other clowns. She’s still a juvie though, so on the smaller end, but she’s gotten visibly bigger! It’s very cool to see considering the only tarantulas I’ve owned that have molted before I got her are all very slow growers so the difference a molt made wasn’t really obvious.

Anyway being as she’s still small I’m not sure if she’s big enough to sex yet, but I thought I’d post for some of your opinions. The place I bought her from, one of the staff eyeballed it when I first bought her and said his best guess was she might have been female, so that’s just what I’m defaulting to. But she did seem to come out of the molt pretty leggy, then again she hasn’t had any weight put on of course since she’s just fresh out. Molt is small and it’s hard to tell, what do you think? Here’s the pics of the molt.


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