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Sling Help


New Member
United States
Hi everyone, I’ve been talking a lot lately about wanting another t and specifically a b. hamorii. With that being said, I definitely did not expect it when my partner surprised me with a sling... I’ve never had a sling before, only an adult b. albo (yes I’m aware of the name change but it was already hard enough memorizing the original name lol). With that being said, I’m just hoping for some insight in caring for a b hamorii sling, specifically more in depth than what I’ve found on google. Thank you :)


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1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
When you say a sling, do you mean something small enough to need an old film container size tube & not big enough for a deli cup? At the small stage I keep mine on a slightly moister substrate with a few pieces of Sphagnum moss close to a side to hold droplets of water for drinking.

I feed mealworms, I have cut the heads off. Feeding on day one, removing it on day two & doing this on a continual loop, with a small amount of moisture being added maybe twice, or even three times a week depending upon needs & I always spray down a side of the vile & in very small amounts. Mealworms are so cheap that feeding the way I do, just means I use most of what I buy. And it allows the slings to eat when they want to. Knowing when a 0.5cm sling eats is a skill I have yet to master. But for me, the most importat thing about the way I feed is, it means I check them every day & yes sometimes I miss a day, but I still keep a good eye on the slings.