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Yeah that's a female you have there, the ventral photo isn't that clear but you can tell enough in it. If you look at the male photo I posted there is an obvious black semi circle with what looks like a little hole on the horizontal line. That's male, a female won't have that darkened semi circle and will almost look like a set of lips between the top book lungs, just like you're photo. This is true for the majority of Tarantulas but is a lot harder to tell in some species.

My point in this post was about the chevrons on there abdomen, looking at you're female they are more prominent than the male I have and both look to be around as fat as eachother. My female photo is of her just after a moult so she's skinny and I thought that might have been the case, but when looking at yours it is definitely more prominent.

Anyone else got a sexed P Cambridgei that they can post pics of the chevrons on the abdomen?
