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Hi All, this is my first post on the Forum.

+-2.5weeks ago I bought my first ever T, which is a 1inch Mexican Fireleg sling. I was set up by the Pet Store with a squared glass enclosure, spider peat for substrate +-2inch deep, a rock for the sling to use to its advantage for burrowing etc. & extra-small crickets.

Upon arriving at home, I put 3 extra-small crickets in the enclosure and one-by-one she slowly consumed them over a few hours. Clearly he/she was really hungry and I don't know when last the T fed. I took it as a good thing that the T settled down immediately and was comfortable enough to eat safely.

Approximately 1 week later I started to notice that the abdomen has swollen up a bit and was shiny with a clear bald spot. I was informed that it was either a sign of premolt or the T had flicked its hairs during its time in the new enclosure with the live crickets running around. The T then created a burrow at the base of the rock feature. Unfortunately, after a few days, the rock tipped over and fell. The T wasn't injured but it required me to redo the enclosure by resetting the substrate and fitting the rock nice and tight to avoid the same issue happening again.

The T proceeded with redoing the burrow and it spent about 2 days until it slowly closed up the entrance about 70% of the way. I haven't seen the T since then (Tue 14 Jan) and after dropping in a single cricket to see if the T was hungry or not, there was no response from the T, even when the cricket ventured down the burrow. When the cricket resurfaced, I ensured to remove it from the enclosure as not to bother the T, especially if it is molting.

I've been told to just leave the T alone and give it time to come out on its own. I was also told that if the T doesn't come out its burrow after 1 month, that I must then make a move and dig up its burrow to see if the T is still alive or not. Some others told me to wait up to 3 months before going on the search for the T.

What advice can anyone here give to me in regards to all of this? I only had the sling for a week before it burrowed, so I'm certain that there wasn't anything wrong with the T over such a short time after purchasing it.

Every 3 days or so, I spray a little bit of water into the enclosure to assist in keeping the substrate hydrated.

Looking forward to feedback here. So far, the forum I signed up with a week ago, have offered very little advice aside from 'That doesn't sound good' and 'Just leave the T until it resurfaces'

Thanks all,
