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Molting? Need advice please


New Member
3 Year Member
I am really starting to worry about my T. She has been on her back for 48 hours now. I say she but I really don't know that for 100% sure. I have had her for 5 years and the guy I got her from had her for about 5 years and he got her at adult size so all I really know about her age is she is at least 10/11 years old. She is still moving her legs occasionally. Is she trying to molt or did she just get herself stuck on her back? If that's possible? She has only molted once in the 5 years I have had her so I don't have much experience with this. Is it normal for it to take this long? How long should I just leave her like this? She is not as dark as she looks in the picture when I look at her so that confuses me even more.
Thank you!!!!


Active Member
3 Year Member
Yes she molting if you worried that she can't do it take her in the bathroom with the hot water on and place her on the sink. That might help you said she not as dark as she was that's a good sign that means the old exoskeleton getting push off the new


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Oh man, molting can take that long?! Bit overwhelmed. Can males live that long? 10years or more?