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4x Damon diadema 165$ obo

1x Damon medius juvenile long term captive in perfect condition 25$

1x p irminia 2.5 inches 75$

1x Female A. chalcodes (Arizona Blonde) Long term captive for over 4-5 years. 4 inches DLS

1x Phrynus longipes Dominican Republic 1-1.5 inch legspan 35$

10 count of Zerbra Isopods 15$

5 count of "Clown Pods" Unsure if its klugi or montenegro 15$

Dwarf Hissers 45$ 12-13 count subadults and adults

Pair of true common hissers (NOT HYBRIDS) 50$ They are big adults and hard to come by (Because of their purity of the strain)

Vinegaroon (m giganteus) 3 inches 35$

A geniculata (giant white knee) 1.5 inches 50$

2x A seemanni 3-4 inch adults 40$ each

OBT P murinus 0.75- 1 inch 20$

Symploce pallens- my entire colony of around 200 mixed nymphs (50$)

2x A aviculara (Common pinktoe) 2-3 inches 20$ each

H maculata 2-3 inch juvenile 20$

Phrynus whitei adult pair (Sexed)- 50$

2x Phrynus whitei females- 23$

Paraphrynus cubensis juvenile + adult pair (One is a juvenile (The male) the other is an adult) 70$

2x Scolopendra dehaani imperfect individuals 20$ each

Or take everything for 400$ local pickup in NY shipping is at your expense.

Minimum order of 50$

LAG on overnight only.
