LAG (Live arrival guarantee) provided. Package must be shipped to, and held for pickup, at a FedEx Shipping Center that accepts live animals. Package must be picked up within the first two (2) hours of arrival at the FedEx Shipping Center. Issues with shipment must be reported to me via email ( or phone number (956 778-3120) within four (4) hours of receipt. To receive a refund or replacements, you must provide photographic evidence of DOA (dead on arrival) animals. Shipping cost will not be refunded. Notes on shipping: Animals will typically be shipped out the following Tuesday after an order has been placed. Shipping prices will be calculated individually based on your zip code. Generally, animals will be shipped to, and held for pickup, at your closest FedEx Shipping Center that accepts live animals. Other: *Due to the fragility of very young invertebrates, any order containing one or more newly born animals will contain an extra free animal of the same species as collateral. An "*" in the price column will indicate which animals this policy applies to.Species name:Common name:Origins:Sex:Size:Quantity:Price:Photos (click to enlarge):Comments:CentipedesHemiscolopendra marginata (Austin, TX)Eastern Bark CentipedeWC (Wild Caught)Adult1$18Scolopendra heros (South Texas Green)Giant Desert CentipedeCB (Captive Born)2"1$90[ATTACH=full]73927[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73928[/ATTACH]This locality starts out black with a red head, but changes color dramatically with ageScolopendra heros (South Texas Green)Giant Desert CentipedeWC (Wild Caught)3.5"1$175Well established individual. Recently molted and already showing green colorationScolopendra heros (South Texas "Caramel")Giant Desert CentipedeCB (Captive Born)Newborn5*$65[ATTACH=full]73924[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73922[/ATTACH]This locality starts out black with a red head, but lighten up and change color dramatically with ageScolopendra metuenda (Solomon Island)Solomon Island Giant CentipedeCB (Captive Born)2.5”7$75[ATTACH=full]73916[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73919[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73923[/ATTACH]These youngsters are doing exceptionally well, and growing at an extreme rateScolopendra subspinipes (Barbados)Barbados Island Giant CentipedeIn-house CBB (Captive Bred Born)Newborn20*$30[ATTACH=full]73918[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73917[/ATTACH]This species is not only strikingly beautiful, but impressively hardyScolopendra subspinipes (Barbados)Barbados Island Giant CentipedeIn-house CBB (Captive Bred Born)1.5" - 2"30$38Scolopendra subspinipes (Barbados)Barbados Island Giant CentipedeIn-house CBB (Captive Bred Born)3.5"13$50Very well established and growing rapidlyTarantulasAphonopelma anaxTexas Tan TarantulaWC (Wild Caught)2"1$38Aphonopelma anaxTexas Tan TarantulaWC (Wild Caught)3.5"3$50Aphonopelma anaxTexas Tan TarantulaWC (Wild Caught)FemaleAdult1$90Recent moltTrue SpidersEntychides sp. (South Texas)Trapdoor SpidersCB (Captive Born)1/8"8$18[ATTACH=full]73920[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73921[/ATTACH]Gorgeously golden colored speciesEuagrus chisoseus (Chiricahua Mountains)Spiny Curtain Web SpiderIn-house CBB (Captive Bred Born)1/8"15$15[ATTACH=full]73926[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73925[/ATTACH]Scytodes sp. (South Texas)Spitting SpidersWC (Wild Caught)FemaleAdult1$8ScorpionsPandinus imperatorEmperor scorpionWC (Wild Caught)Adult1$40Paravaejovis spinigerusStripe-tail ScorpionWC (Wild Caught)Adult7$9Pseudouroctonus apacheanusCB (Captive Born)1st instar2$4Pseudouroctonus apacheanusWC (Wild Caught)Sub-adult1$8Pseudouroctonus apacheanusWC (Wild Caught)Adult2$10Pseudouroctonus reddelliWC (Wild Caught)Adult1$10MillipedesOrthoporus ornatus (Hidalgo CO, New Mex)Desert MillipedeWC (Wild Caught)Adult5$10Orthoporus texicolens (South Texas)Texas MillipedeWC (Wild Caught)Adult10$12OtherParaphrynus carolynaeArizona Tailless Whip ScorpionWC (Wild Caught)Adult4$35Blaptica dubia (Colony Starter Bundle 2.8)Dubia CockroachIn-house CBB (Captive Bred Born)2.8Breeding Adults1$20
LAG (Live arrival guarantee) provided. Package must be shipped to, and held for pickup, at a FedEx Shipping Center that accepts live animals. Package must be picked up within the first two (2) hours of arrival at the FedEx Shipping Center. Issues with shipment must be reported to me via email ( or phone number (956 778-3120) within four (4) hours of receipt. To receive a refund or replacements, you must provide photographic evidence of DOA (dead on arrival) animals. Shipping cost will not be refunded. Notes on shipping: Animals will typically be shipped out the following Tuesday after an order has been placed. Shipping prices will be calculated individually based on your zip code. Generally, animals will be shipped to, and held for pickup, at your closest FedEx Shipping Center that accepts live animals. Other: *Due to the fragility of very young invertebrates, any order containing one or more newly born animals will contain an extra free animal of the same species as collateral. An "*" in the price column will indicate which animals this policy applies to.