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Hi all My G Pulchra is currently hiding under a piece on bark for the last 3 weeks, I know it’s not been out for food or water, my question is can I move the bark (without disturbing him) to check on him just to ease my curiosity really??
To answer your question, no you will not be able to move the bark, if it's under it & not under the substrate below it, without disturbing it. But disturbing it, is not the same as harming it. 3 weeks is probably a bit too soon to start getting concerned. But if you are new to T's & only have 1 or 2 T's, you will not be the only new owner who feels the need to check after only a few weeks & most T's survive owners worries.
I have T's I have not seen for 6 months plus & a T which I brought months ago, that I have only ever seen the legs of, once or twice & that is only because I keep checking down it's burrow with a torch. As long as your T is not molting, then moving the bark will do it no harm. But, this is what young T's often do. In the wild, it's how they survive.
People have had Ts even Slings go months without food. Water tends to be more critical then food. For slings chopping up a few mealworms is good enough sometimes. They will eat 1 segment and be fine. Other Slings take down prey like champs...its a coin toss what your sling does.
I have a sling that I have never seen eat in 4 months. I have tossed food and chopped up food in his enclosure and he doesnt touch it. I have had several wax worms turn to moths in the enclosure. I know hes eating something because he went from a 1/4 inch sling to how over 1 1/2 inches... and again I don't know what he has eaten if any thing.