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Hi, congrats on your speedy little guy! :D I have never kept that species but I have kept a Heteropoda venatoria from a tiny sling to adult. Do you have a picture of the enclosure? It defo needs vent holes. I think with vials people usually use a notice board pin to poke tiny holes into the lid. However I don't personally use dram vials anymore as I feel they still don't supply enough ventilation or cross-ventilation unless you use a soldering iron to melt holes into the sides too. I don't have a great amount of experience having only raised one so hopefully someone with more knowledge can chime in!

Below is what I used for my sling but I don't know if you have them in the US? I did still have to tape netting onto the vent holes as I was scared the sling was small enough to get through them. However this enclosure worked really well to feed through the hatch at the top top prevent escaping! And I could also use a pipette to drop water through it onto moss to keep the humidity up. He did grow fast so then it became easier to find a suitable enclosure with front-opening as they do like to try to escape upwards!


