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I purchased a bag of scotts topsoil because I had heard of people using topsoil. My question is does anyone use this brand? It said nothing about pesticides or fertilizers. I don't want to use it until I know for sure. Thanks
I bought a bag of topsoil for about 2 dollars (to good to be true I said) it said nothing about pesticides or fertilizer in it but did not trusted it cuz it said all natural & organic well just organic lol
I know it cost a bit more but I like coconut husk. It looks the same as dirt but it is also slightly acidic. Not to the point it will hurt the spider but it will keep bacteria growth down more then top soil. You can buy it at most pet stores for not to much. But after you have some for bedding I would order off line the next time from whole sale for a lot less. Common brands are eco earth and bed a beast.