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Green mold


3 Year Member
I set up an enclosure for my N.chromatus a couple of weeks ago in anticipation of rehousing him though after inspection today I found green specks growing on the coco fiber, the sub had been squeezed dry and then baked for 5 mins but was still moist to the touch the enclosure is a square plastic container with two rows of holes drilled in the top sides about an inch apart with non in the lid, sorry for the long post but my question is should I add more vent holes or do I just need to dry out the sub more next time? P.s. for some reason my phone won't let me post pics atm


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
more vent holes. my experience green mold is from not enough ventilation. I forgot to drill the holes in the sides of one of my first enclosures and had green mold spots a week or two later.

Also make sure there's air movement in the area. Vent holes without any air movement won't help. If the enclosures are in the corner of a room turn a fan on for a few minutes. You don't have to blow air on them, just get the air to circulate in the room.