Hello friends! If jumping spiders aren’t a common topic please let me know and I’ll bring this post elsewhere. I have a female bold jumping spider that’s (maybe) around a quarter inch or less right now. I haven’t seen her out and about for almost a month and honestly figured that she had died. I went out of town last night and when I came back home, I was greeted by tiny little babies running around her cup and my room. I looked it up and found that they can’t become gravid until they’ve fully matured, so what’s happening here? Is it possible that they can become gravid before adulthood or could she possibly be a dwarf species of jumping spider that looks like a bold jumping spider? Something else? For more context I found this spider in my home in Northern California and have been taking care of her for about 3 months. Everything in her enclosure was properly rinsed and disinfected by boiling water so there’s no way it’s a different spiders egg sac. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!