Rescued from his deli cup at the pet shop down the street, a 3 inch or so male pink toe seems calm and has eaten two crickets. A few degrees warmer seems to stimulate activity. I did not expect much of anything with all the changes this spider has endured. Very little web building, however. Seems to do something like slow motion push ups...involving 'palps, so... guessing this is a reproductive fitness routine?No idea how old it might be (no pink on the 'palp ends and very prominent tibia hooks). I am not ready for a female...but maybe Slim's clock is ticking. (?)One week into the hobby so all direction is appreciated.Thanks in advance, Bill
Rescued from his deli cup at the pet shop down the street, a 3 inch or so male pink toe seems calm and has eaten two crickets.
A few degrees warmer seems to stimulate activity. I did not expect much of anything with all the changes this spider has endured. Very little web building, however. Seems to do something like slow motion push ups...involving 'palps, so... guessing this is a reproductive fitness routine?
No idea how old it might be (no pink on the 'palp ends and very prominent tibia hooks).
I am not ready for a female...but maybe Slim's clock is ticking. (?)
One week into the hobby so all direction is appreciated.Thanks in advance, Bill