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G Pulchra Sling acting strange.


New Member
Great Yarmouth
So I bought my G Pulchra sling Eclipse about almost 2 weeks ago and things have been going smoothly but yesterday I checked on her in her hide since she closed it half way and she hasn't gone back inside since. Is she in pre molt or not. Temps are fine but she hasn't eaten. Getting worried .


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Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Hi, welcome to the forum.

Two weeks without eating is perfectly normal. Plus, assuming you are giving dead prey. How do you know it's not eating? A sling will eat very little so a dead mealworm, or similar. Is never going to show any signs of eating.

I know that the temptation is big. But try not to disturb your T, especially if they hide themselves away.


New Member
Great Yarmouth
Hi, welcome to the forum.

Two weeks without eating is perfectly normal. Plus, assuming you are giving dead prey. How do you know it's not eating? A sling will eat very little so a dead mealworm, or similar. Is never going to show any signs of eating.

I know that the temptation is big. But try not to disturb your T, especially if they hide themselves away.
I usually give it very small pre killed crickets 3 times a week but when I check on it in the morning its in the same place.
Update: it went back into is hide and completely blocked the entrance it might be in pre molt. I'll leave it alone and drop a cricket in every day and take it back out if it's not eaten.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
A dead cricket 2 or 3 times a week is more than sufficient. And try opening the cricket up. That is, cut it open. Like that your sling has easy access to the part it wants.


New Member
uk, manchester
So I bought my G Pulchra sling Eclipse about almost 2 weeks ago and things have been going smoothly but yesterday I checked on her in her hide since she closed it half way and she hasn't gone back inside since. Is she in pre molt or not. Temps are fine but she hasn't eaten. Getting worried .
Hiiii don’t be worried I know it can be scary I was the exact same as you when I got my first t who was in fact a pulchra.

If it’s closed it off more than likely trying to moult just spray one corner of the tub by overflowing the water dish slightly not too much though it will raise the humidity and help with the moult process. If not eaten definitely trying to moult don’t worry they can go a good while without food and pulchras are gluttonous all 3 of mine are


New Member
Great Yarmouth
Hiiii don’t be worried I know it can be scary I was the exact same as you when I got my first t who was in fact a pulchra.

If it’s closed it off more than likely trying to moult just spray one corner of the tub by overflowing the water dish slightly not too much though it will raise the humidity and help with the moult process. If not eaten definitely trying to moult don’t worry they can go a good while without food and pulchras are gluttonous all 3 of mine are
Ok thank you so much for the help :)