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Some sold, some added, some reduced!

Poecilotheria rufilata female 9"+ - SOLD

Chilobrachys dyscolus F 3.5" - SOLD

Aphonopelma marxi female 5" - $130

Avicularia metallica female 3.5" - $50

Idiothele mira MF 2.25" - $175

Idiothele mira pen male - SOLD

Aphonopelma seemanni female 5" - $50

Aphonopelma hentzi MF, Penmale - $75

Aphonopelma anax MF, Penmale - $90 - PENDING

Pamphobeteus ultramarinus MM - $100

Brachypelma vagans MM - $40

Brachypelma sabulsom Penultimate male - $60

Grammostola formosa MM - $70

TOS - Above in OP
