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Hi Everyone.

My name is Stu from South Wales in the UK.

I have a friend who is desperately trying to sell his collection before he moves. List as follows:

(M)Salmon Pink

(F) G.pulchra


(F) G.Rosea

(F) G.pulchripes

(M) B.Hamorii

(M) N.Chromatus


(F) P.Cambridgei

(M) H.Pulchripes

(F) A.Hentzi

(F) B.Boehmei

If interested  he is looking for around £400 for the whole lot including enclosures. He is able to travel a bit from Cardiff area but can not travel too far.

Please leave a comment if you would like to know his details and I'll put you in touch.

Thanks all.
