[USER=3538]@Therasoid[/USER]thanks (im hopeing Persistence will prevail in the end !!!) but i dont think the end is in sight just yet this could go on for months yet from what iv read & been told the guy at the rep shop where i get my feeders from also keps Ts & had 90 Ts but had a mite problem, he battled them for 6 months before he got rid of them & lost most of his Ts. (only 29 left)im not looking foward to check & remove any mites from 4 E,murinus. (got a horrible feeling i may get tagged )
thanks (im hopeing Persistence will prevail in the end !!!) but i dont think the end is in sight just yet this could go on for months yet from what iv read & been told the guy at the rep shop where i get my feeders from also keps Ts & had 90 Ts but had a mite problem, he battled them for 6 months before he got rid of them & lost most of his Ts. (only 29 left)
im not looking foward to check & remove any mites from 4 E,murinus. (got a horrible feeling i may get tagged )