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Hello, this is a story about my Saenathra.  Megaphobema Robustum, she's about the size of a fifty cent piece.  We met at Petco after a day of trying to find a tarantula.  I am really bad about looking at the creepy crawlies and this beautiful creature came out from the "protection of plastic terrarium plants to look me in the eye as I pondered buying her.  To be clear, I left Petco without purchasing this beauty and was motivated to return due to bad short term memory.  Once again I looked at the creepy crawlies and this poor spood was curled up in the corner heartbroken.  So I decided to take her home.  She has a retrofitted 3 gallon aquarium, cross ventilated and warmed by the led from the original aquarium setup during the day.  I still need temp. and humidity gauges but she seems quite content, actively digging her burrow and eating.  Unfortunately I haven't caught any pics yet, but I will try to attach a video.  In the video you will see her abdomen is bald.  I promise she was like that when I bought her.

Any info and advice is appreciated.  Thanks again!  Fyi, I have removed the leaves
