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B. Emilia not eating

KK_Ma_Nene alt

New Member
California (Bay Area)
My parents had bought me my 2-ish year old B. Emilia back in September and it had apparently just molted (she was feisty, hungry, and a bright scarlet so that checked out) but after about a month she stopped eating and wasn't as active. I, still being new with tarantulas, thought it was a premolt but could also just be stress and not eating. Last week it finally ate but hasn't since. I don't see it move much from under its log but it still is drinking water and its not shriveling up so it doesn't appear to be starving. I haven't taken it out to see whether or not there's been a change in color. I might add a photo later when I get home from school but I just wanted to see what probably is the reason


Staff member
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Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
How often are you feeding her? I find they don't need to eat to often, I feed mine every couple of weeks.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Here we feed weekly, but we remove uneaten food from a good 10% of our T's. Brachypelma's are one of the most common species we remove uneaten food from, & we find size makes a big difference, to some T's. Slightly smaller is more likely to be eaten with some species.

We do not offer food to anything that refused food last week.

The most likely reason for not eating is because it simply does not want to. T's can go months without eating. Just keep offering a smallish cricket every week or two & removing it after 24 hours if uneaten. Keep the water bowl topped up & it will eat when it is ready.

Tarantulas are ambush predators & thus, by nature, not very active. So for a T to sit & do nothing is perfectly natural behaviour.

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