August 2024 NEW arrivals from! The REAL P. insignis (Colombia), Ranong, Akcaya, H. Niger Delta, Blue femur wandering & more!Updated: 8/11/24TARANTULAS:1 Acanthoscurria geniculata “Brazilian Giant White Knee”, CB unsexed .75” spiderlings, $33.951.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata “Brazilian Giant White Knee”, CB 4"-4.5"+ sub-adult male, $951.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata “Brazilian Giant White Knee”, CB 5"+, recently mature male, $552 Acanthoscurria simoensi (ex-Acanthoscurria fracta) “Para Mongo Tarantula” (this is one of the MOST defensive Ts on earth!), WC unsexed 3”-4", $200 ea.3 Aphonopelma anax “South Texas Chocolate Red Rump”, Very docile! WC unsexed juvenile (probable male), 2.75”-3” $55 ea.0.1 Aphonopelma anax “South Texas Chocolate Red Rump”, Very docile! WC adult females 4"-5", $851.1 Aphonopelma anax "South Texas Chocolate Red Rump", great beginner species! WC PAIR young adult females & penultimate male! $1150.1 Aphonopelma gabeli "Chiricahuan Gray", Uncommon in the hobby, WC 4" adult female, $7412 Aphonopelma chalcodes "Arizona Blond" (lowland morph), great beginner species! WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.1.0 Aphonopelma chalcodes "Sierra Vista morph" (rare highland morph), WC sub-adult 4" male, $7012 Aphonopelma crinirufum "Costa Rican Blue Front”, CB unsexed 2”, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea., 12+@$110 ea.3 Acanthoscurria simoensi (ex-Acanthoscurria fracta) “Para Mongo Tarantula” (this is one of the MOST defensive Ts on earth!), WC unsexed 3”-4", $200 ea.1.0 Aphonopelma moderatum "Rio Grande Gold", 3" sub-adult, $1292.0 Aphonopelma peloncillo "Peloncillo Mountains Tarantula”, Rarely made available! WC recently mature males, $75 ea.2 Avicularia avicularia "Guyana Pinktoe", M1 type, WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults 3"-3.25", $24 ea.0.1 Avicularia juruensis M2 (ex A. urticans), “Peruvian Purple Pinktoe”, young adult female, 4.75”, $20012 Avicularia purpurea "Ecuadorian Purple Pinktoe", CB unsexed .75" to 1" spiderlings, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.1 Brachypelma albiceps “Mexican Gold Red Rump”, CB unsexed .5”spiderling, $42.95 ea.6 Brachypelma emilia “Mexican Painted”, CB unsexed 3”-4”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea.4 Brachypelma hamorii “Mexican Red Knee”, CB unsexed 1”spiderling, $39.95 ea.0.1 Brachypelma hamorii “Mexican Red Knee”, CB 3.5”+ sub-adult female! $197.95 3 Brachypelma smithi (ex. B. annitha), CB unsexed .5”- .75” spiderlings, $46.95 ea.2 Bumba horrida “Brazilian Red Head”, CB 1.5” juveniles showing the red carapace! $43.95 ea.25 Caribena laeta “Puerto Rican Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea., 12+@$80 ea.• Caribena versicolor “Antilles Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 1”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12@$50 ea., 25+@$45 ea.• Caribena versicolor “Antilles Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$85 ea., 25+@$80 ea.12 Ceratogyrus darlingi "Rear Horn Baboon”, CB unsexed 2”-2.5”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12+@$45 ea.12 Chilobrachys dyscolus “Vietnamese Blue Earth Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40ea.1 Chilobrachys guangxiensis "Chinese Giant Fawn Earth Tiger", CB unsexed 1.5"+, $3912 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB unsexed .75”-1.75”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12+@$60 ea.12 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB 1.75”-2.5”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.12 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB 3”-4”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea., 12@$180 ea.1 Citharognathus tongimianensis "Chinese Stout-leg Baboon", Rare & unique! CB unsexed 1.5" juvenile $6012 Cyriocosmus elegans “Trinidad Dwarf”, CB unsexed 1”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12+@$45 ea.12 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", CB unsexed .5" spiderlings, $34 ea., 6@$32 ea.6 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.0.6 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", WC sub-adults/adults FEMALES, $120 ea.12 Davus pentaloris "Guatemalan Tiger Rump”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea., 12+@$110 ea.6 Ephebous murinus "Skelton", WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.0.6 Ephebous murinus "Skelton", WC sub-adult/adult FEMALES, $110 ea.6 Ephebous uatuman "Emerald Skelton", WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.0.6 Ephebous uatuman "Skelton", WC sub-adult/adult FEMALES, $110 ea.• Eupalaestrus campestratus “Pink Zebra Beauty”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$80 ea., 25+@$70 ea.2 Eupalaestrus weijenberghi “White-collared”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $140 ea.12 Euathlus truculentus “Chilean Blue Femur”, CB unsexed .5”-1”, $110 ea., 6@$105 ea., 12+@$100 ea.4 Grammostola mendozae “Argentine Brown”, RARE! CB 1.5”-2”, $200 ea.12 Grammostola rosea “RED rose hair’, CB unsexed .5”, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea., 12+@$70 ea.12 Hapalopus formosus “Pumpkin Patch” (large morph), CB unsexed .5" to .75", $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12+@$40 ea.12 Hapalopus formosus “Pumpkin Patch” (large morph), CB unsexed 1” to 2" juveniles, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea., 12+@$110 ea.0.2 Heteroscodra maculata "Ornamental Baboon”, WC unsexed sub-adult/adult $95 ea.6 Heterothele villosella "Tanzanian Chestnut Baboon”, CB unsexed 1”-2”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.6 Homoeomma chilense “Chilean Flame”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $200 ea., 6@$95 ea.3 Hysterocrates crassipes "Cameroon Mouse Brown Baboon", CB unsexed 1" spiderlings, $22 ea.1 Hysterocrates gigas "Cameroon Red Baboon", CR unsexed .75” spiderlings, $151 Hysterocrates laticeps "Nigerian Rust Leg Baboon", CB 1" spiderlings, $22 ea.100+ Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", CB unsexed .25" to .5" spiderlings, DEALS!!! Sold in 5 lots or more only: 5@$10ea., 10@$9 ea., 20@$8 ea., 50+@$7 ea.18 Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", CB unsexed 1"-1.5"+ spiderlings, $19 ea., 6@$18 ea., 12+@$17 ea.1 Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", CB unsexed 2.25" juvenile, $342 Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", WC unsexed 4"-4.75" sub-adults, $100 ea.300 Lasiocyano (ex- Pterinopelma) sazimai "Brazilian Blue", CB unsexed 2nd instar 0.25" slings $24 ea.,10@$18 ea., 20@$15 ea.3 Lasiocyano (ex- Pterinopelma) sazimai "Brazilian Blue", CB unsexed .75" to 1" spiderlings, $29.99 ea.0.1 Lasiodora klugi "Bahia Scarlet Birdeater", CB 2.5"+ juvenile FEMALE! $1451 Megaphobema velvetoma “Ecuardorian Brown Velvet”, WC unsexed sub-adult 5”+, $12012 Monocentrophus balfouri “Socotra Blue Baboon”, CB unsexed 3”-3.75”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.12 Neoholothele incei “Trinidad Gold”, CB unsexed 1”-2", $80 ea., 6@$75 ea., 12+@$70 ea.400 Nhandu chromatus "Brazilian Red & White", CB unsexed 0.75 to 1 " 1 slings well started showing color $28 ea., 10@$24 ea., 20@$20 ea., 50+@$16 ea.12 Omothymus sp. “hati hati”, CB unsexed .75" to 1" spiderlings, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.12 Omothymus sp. “hati hati”, CB unsexed 2"-2.25" juveniles, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.12 Omothymus schioedtei “Malaysian Earth Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.12 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Vietnam Silver”, CB unsexed 2”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.9 Ornithoctonus sp. "Ranong Blue-violet Earth Tiger", 1st USA hatch out! NEW to the U.S. hobby in 2023! Absolutely stunning in color! CB unsexed .75" spiderlings, $35 ea. NOTE: great price! Don't snooze on getting these beauties as they molt and grow, expect pricing to rise rapidly!2.0 Pamphobeteus cf. nigricolor (Ecuador), CB 4.5”-6" sub-adult/penultimate, $19512 Pamphobeteus sp. "Machala”, CB unsexed 1" to 1.75" spiderlings”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$90 ea.12 Pamphobeteus sp. "Machala”, CB unsexed 2”-3" juveniles, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. "mascara", (dark form), CB 5.75"-6" sub-adult female, $32512 Pamphobeteus sp. “manganegra”, CB unsexed 1”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12+@$140 ea.• Pamphobeteus sp. "platyomma”, CB unsexed 1”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$90 ea.12 Pamphobeteus sp. "Tigris", CB unsexed 1”-2”, $130 ea., 6@$125 ea., 12@$120 ea.12 Pamphobeteus insignis (Colombia) "Colombian Purple Bloom", THE REAL insignis!• Super rare USA captive-born REAL P. insignis (Colombia)• This species has only been captive-bred successfully a handful of times since the late '90s.• Grow to leg spans of 7"-8".• Mature males are absolutely stunning in deep purple sheen in their femurs.• Females of this species has the deep purple as well making it rare in its genus for the females to be colorful.• Pamphobeteus species are THE best "display" tarantula as they are active, eat well, and show off their colors for you.• Growth rate is moderate with males maturing in about 1.5-2 yrs. and females around 3 to 3.5 years. Females can breed at 5.75" leg spans.• The REAL P. insignis (Colombia) differs from the more common "Pamphobeteus sp. "insignis" (Ecuador) with better coloration and spiderlings lack the "X-mas tree" abdominal markings that the Ecuadorian species has. The Ecuadorian species will eventually be proven to be one of the newly described Pamphobeteus species of 2024 and is NOT related and/or associated with P. insignis (Colombia).Qty. for sale: 25 (limited supply as we are holding back a lot from a small sac of 66 for future breeding projects)CB unsexed 1" spiderlings, $174 ea. or 6@$169 ea., 12@$164 ea.12 Pamphobeteus vespertinus, CB unsexed 1”-2", $130 ea., 6@$125 ea., 12+@$120 ea.• Phormictopus sp. “Dominican Purple”, CB unsexed 2”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.12 Phormictopus auratus "Caribbean Bronze", CB unsexed 1", $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12+@$60 ea.10 Phormingochilus sp. "Akcaya", Rarely offered; grows to 7.5"+; beautiful! CB unsexed .75" spiderlings, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea.10 Phormingochilus sp. Rufus. "Peach Earth Tiger”, Amazing arboreal! Beautiful, FAST, very defensive, agile and only for advanced keepers. CB unsexed juveniles 1.75”-2”! $37 ea., 6+@$35 ea.12 Poecilotheria metallica “Gooty Sapphire Ornamental”, CB 2”-3”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea., 12@$180 ea.12 Poecilotheria miranda “Bengal 4-spotted Ornamental”, CB 2", $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$85 ea.2 Poecilotheria rufilata “Giant Slate Red Ornamental”, CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $150 ea.12 Psalmopoeus cambridgei “Trinidad Chevron”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12+@$40 ea.12 Psalmopoeus irminia “Sun Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.• Psalmopoeus victori “Darth Maul Tarantula”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $170 ea., 6@$165 ea., 12@$160 ea.12 Pterinochilus lugardi “Fort Hall Baboon, CB unsexed 1”, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40 ea.1 Pseudhapalopus sp. "Colombian Dwarf Blue", CB unsexed .25", $47.9512 Thrixopelma cyaneolum “Peruvian Cobalt Redrump”, CB unsexed .5”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12+@$45 ea.5 Tliltocatl vagans "Mexican Red Rump”, CB unsexed 1”-1.5" large spiderlings (well-started! ), $18.95 ea.12 Theraphosa apophysis "Goliath Pinkfoot Birdeater", CB unsexed 1"-2", $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.1 Theraphosa apophysis "Goliath Pinkfoot Birdeater", CB unsexed 5" sub-adult, $15012 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.2.0 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC sub-adult/penultimate 6" to 6.25"+, perfect size for timing your T. stirmi breeding project! $100 ea.PRIMITIVE SPIDERS:• Acanthogonatus pissi "Chilean Golden Tiger”, CB unsexed .5”, $130 ea., 6@$125 ea., 12+@$120 ea.0.1 Atmetochilus songsangchotei "Thai Black Funnel Web Trapdoor”, WC adult females, $140100 Diplura Rurrenabaque "Bolivian Curtainweb Spiders", CB unsexed 0.25" slings, $24 ea., 10@$20 ea., 20+@$14 ea.2 Linothele sericata "Colombian Blue Funnel Web", CB unsexed .75", $49.99 ea.2 Eucteniza relata "Rio Grande Trapdoor Spider", Rarely offered! WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $56 ea.10 Sphodros abbotti "Abott's Purseweb Spiders", $24 ea., 6+@$22 ea.TRUE SPIDERS: Wild-caught, unsexed juveniles to adults; minimum order is often 6 lots or more as these are field-collected stock.20 Argiope aurantia "Black and Gold Argiope Spiders", $10 ea., 6+@$9 ea.10 Argiope trifasciata "Banded Zipper Spiders", $10 ea., 6+@$9 ea.50 Eresus walckenaeri “Green Lady Bird Spider”, CB unsexed .10” to .25”, 3 lots or more only, 3@$50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40 ea., 25+@$35 ea.20 Dolomedes okefinokensis "Okeefinokee Giant Fishing Spiders", $14 ea., 6+@$12 ea.20 Dolomedes triton "Six Spotted Raft Fishing Spiders", $12 ea., 6+@$10 ea.20 Habronattus sp. “Paradise Jumper”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6+@$45 ea.2 Heteropoda sp. "Thai Giant Cave Huntsman", CB unsexed 1.5"-2" juvenile, $5914 Heteropoda venatoria "FL Giant Tropical Huntsman Spiders", $16 ea., 6+@$14 ea.10 Hogna huelo "Black Wolf Spiders" , $10 ea., 6+@$9 ea.50 Hogna miami "FL Field Wolf Spiders", $8 ea., 6+@$7 ea.• Kukulcania hibernalis "FL Black Hole Spiders", $10 ea., 10@$8 ea.• Latrodectus geometricus "Brown Widow", Venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $12 ea., 6@$9.50 ea., 12@$9 ea.• Latrodectus hesperus "Western Black Widow", Venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $19 ea., 6@$17 ea., 12@$15 ea.0.1 Macroctenus kingsleyi "Golden Blue Femur Wandering Spider", Incredible color! Grows to a 6" leg span!, WC adult female, , $55• Phidippus clarus “FL Red-back Jumping Spider” , WC unsexed sub-adults/adults $44.95 ea., 6@$42.95 ea.1.1 Phidippus morpheus “Dream Jumping Spider”, Very rarely offered! WC sub-adults/adults, $89 for the PAIR!• Phidippus regius "Regal Jumping Spiders", $20 ea., 20+@$18 ea.1 Piloctenus haematostoma "Red Fang Wandering Spider”, venomous form required (inquire), WC 3.5”, probable female, missing one left after being imported (will grown back!), $753 Pissurina mira "Nursery Web Fishing Spiders", $16 ea.4 Stegodyphus lineatus "Euro Desert Striped Velvet Spider", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $80 ea.50 Trichonephila clavipes "Giant Golden Silk Spiders", $10 ea., 10@$8 ea.CENTIPEDES: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted:1 Hemiscolopendra maculata "Eastern Bark Centipede", WC 1.75"-2", $1222 Rhysida longipes "Redtail Olive Centipedes", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $12 ea., 6+@$11 ea.10 Scolopendra cf. alternans (Hispaniola Giant Red Centipede), SUPER RARE! They are capable of 10”+ lengths and have a beautiful red coloration. CB unsexed 1.5”-2” juveniles $350 ea.1 Scolopendra cf. dehaani " Mt. Merapi Giant Black", Super rare! Grows to 10"+! WC unsexed 6.75"+ adult, $398.951 Scolopendra sp. "Sulawesi / Piceoflava", 5", sub-adult, $268.951 Scolopendra heros "Desert Giant Blacktail Centipede" (West Texas), Rarely offered! WC unsexed sub-adult, $1706 Scolopendra longipes "FL Giant Keys", 5”+, WC unsexed 1.5"-3" juveniles, $24 ea.1 Scolopendra longipes "FL Giant Keys", 5”+, WC unsexed 5”+ adults, $59 ea.15 Scolopendra polymorpha “SW American Tiger Centipede”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $40 ea., 6+@$38 ea.VINEGAROONS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted2 Mastigoproctus giganteus "TX Giant Vinegaroon", WC unsexed juveniles, $29 ea.SCORPIONS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted; venomous species require you to be an adult and fill out our venomous form (inquire using our contact page).25 Androctonus bicolor, venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.• Centruroides hentzi "Florida Striped Bark Scorpions", $12 ea., 10@$10 ea., 20+@$8 ea.• Centruroides guanensis "Bahama Longtail Bark Scorpions", $16 ea. 6+@$14 ea.• Centruroides gracilis "Caribbean (the big FL Barks) Bark Scorpions", $16 ea., 6@$14 ea., 12@$12 ea.25 Centruroides margaritatus "Central American Bark", venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea., 12@26 ea.• Hadrurus arizonensis "Desert Hairy Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6+@$28 ea.4 Hetermetrus cimrmani (ex - H.laevigatus) "Thai Forest", RARE! CR 1.5”+ babies, $15 ea.17 Hoffmannius spinigerus “Striped Devil Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $10 ea., 6@$9 ea., 12+@$8 ea.25 Leiurus quinquestriatus, venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.12 Scorpio maurus “Israeli Gold Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.• Vaejovis confusus "Yellow Devil Scorpions", $12 ea., 10@$10 ea., 20+@$8 ea.TAILLESS WHIP SCORPIONS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted25 Phrynus marginemaculatus "Florida Tailless Whipspiders", $18 ea., 10+@$16 ea.MILLPEDES: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted2 Atophochetus dollfusi “Thai Rainbow”, Super rare and beautiful! WC unsexed sub-adult/s adults, $49 ea.• Chicobolus spinigerus "Florida Ivory Millipedes", 20@$4 ea., 50@$3 ea., 100+@$2 ea.• Narceous americanus "North American Pinkfoot Millipedes" (Baton Rouge,LA locality), 20@$5 ea., 50+@$4 ea.• Narceous gordanus "Smoky Oak Millipedes" (Yellow Banded Marion County, FL), 20@$5 ea., 50+@$4 ea.• Trigonilius coralinus "Scarlet Millipedes" 20@$4 ea., 50@$3 ea., 100+@$2 ea.• Anadenobolus monilicornis "Bumblebee Millipedes", 20@$4 ea., 50@$3 ea., 100+@$2 ea.• Floridobolus floydi "Floyd's Scrub Millipedes "mini" - minifloydi" dwarf locality of floydi first time offered to the trade very rare , 20$5 ea., 50+@$4 ea.INSECTS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted• Asbolus verrucosus "Blue Death Feigning Beetle", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $29 ea., 6@$27 ea., 12@$25 ea.• Romalea microptera "Eastern Lubber Grasshoppers" - LARGE SUB nymphs $6 ea., 6@$5.50 ea., 12+@$5 ea.• Opiliones spp. "Daddy Long Legs" (harmless!), $9.75 ea., 6@$8.75 ea., 12+@$7.75 ea.• Tenodera sinensis "Chinese Praying Mantis", $9.75 ea., 6@$8.75 ea., 12+@$7.75 ea.Amphibians: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted; Delicate to ship, so NO live arrival on amphibians during summer and winter months• Purple Harlequin Toads (Atelopus barbotini), WC adult males, $70 ea., 6+@$65 ea.12 Common Suriname Toads (Bufo marmorata), WC unsexed juvenile to adult $24 ea.15 South American Giant Marine Toads (Rhinella marina), WC unsexed 7”-8”, $170 ea. (No sales to AZ, KY, CA)12 Theloderma corticale "Vietnamese Mossy Leaf Frog", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $250 ea., 6@$245 ea.12 Theloderma bicolor "Mini Mossy Frog", WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $160 ea., 6@$155 ea.Lizards: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted1.0 Grand Cayman Blue Rock Iguana Hybrid (Cyclura lewisi x nubila) , CB unsexed $50015 Gold Dust Day Geckos (Phelsuma laticauda) WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6+@$85 ea.• Brown Anoles (Norops sagrei) (great for feeding large tarantulas and centipedes)10 lot @$6 ea., 20 lot @$5 ea., 50 lot @$4 ea., 100 to 1,000 lots @$3 ea.3 Reef Geckos (Sphaerodactylus notatus) , Rarely offered! $36 ea.• Ornate Uromastyxs (Uromastyx ornata), WC unsexed babies, $300 ea., 6@$275 ea.5 Ornate Uromastyxs (Uromastyx ornata), WC sub-adult/adult females, $450 ea.Snakes: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted / note check your local state restrictions on North American snakes before ordering).2 Childrens Pythons (Antaresia childreni) CB unsexed juvenile to adult $280 ea.5 Striped Spotted Pythons(Antaresia maculosa), CB unsexed babies, $350 ea.5 Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni) CB unsexed babies, $350 ea.4 Chilomeniscus stramineus (cinctus) "Banded Sand Snakes", $80 ea.2 Brazilian Rainbow Boas (Epicrates cenchria), WC unsexed juvenile to adult $390 ea.6 Morelia azurea azurea "Green Tree Python" (Biak type), CR unsexed babies to adults, $650 ea., 6@$625 ea.2 Morelia viridis "Green Tree Python" (Aru type), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $900 ea.2 Morelia viridis "Green Tree Python" (Aru type), "HIGH WHITE" ,CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,300 ea.1 Albino Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata), CB unsexed baby, $3901 Albino Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata), CB unsexed juvenile, $5905 Nerodia clarki "Gulf Salt Marsh Snake", AD $90 ea.1 Rhinocheilus lecontei "Texas Longnose Snakes" $40 ea.• MINIMUM ORDER IS $50 OF LIVESTOCK (NOT COUNTING SHIPPING COSTS) • Use our contact page linked below and copy and paste what you want and include your full name, address, and phone # and we will be confirm your order and email you payment total and instructions, Fedex Ship Center address, and ship date. Thank you!ORDERING:Use our contact page to copy and paste what you want and send in your order. Min. order is $50 in animals (not counting shipping costs).* Do NOT send private messages using this website. Just put your questions in the comments section of the order form linked above.Terms of Service: Live Arrival Guarantee. Purchase price must be over $50. You must accept the package on the first delivery attempt. The temperature at your locality must be over 40F and below 90F for delivery. Issues with shipment must be reported to me via (email, phone, whatever) within 4 hours of receipt. Etc. Refund Policy: To receive a refund, you must (take pictures of the DOA with a pin in the animal and/or ship the DOA back to me at your own cost, etc) Refunds will (only be given in store credit, be the same as paid, etc). Shipping cost will not be refunded. Etc.* Do NOT send private messages using this website. Just put your questions in the comments section of the order form linked above.[ATTACH=full]73553[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73554[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73555[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]73556[/ATTACH]
August 2024 NEW arrivals from! The REAL P. insignis (Colombia), Ranong, Akcaya, H. Niger Delta, Blue femur wandering & more!
Updated: 8/11/24
1 Acanthoscurria geniculata “Brazilian Giant White Knee”, CB unsexed .75” spiderlings, $33.95
1.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata “Brazilian Giant White Knee”, CB 4"-4.5"+ sub-adult male, $95
1.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata “Brazilian Giant White Knee”, CB 5"+, recently mature male, $55
2 Acanthoscurria simoensi (ex-Acanthoscurria fracta) “Para Mongo Tarantula” (this is one of the MOST defensive Ts on earth!), WC unsexed 3”-4", $200 ea.
3 Aphonopelma anax “South Texas Chocolate Red Rump”, Very docile! WC unsexed juvenile (probable male), 2.75”-3” $55 ea.
0.1 Aphonopelma anax “South Texas Chocolate Red Rump”, Very docile! WC adult females 4"-5", $85
1.1 Aphonopelma anax "South Texas Chocolate Red Rump", great beginner species! WC PAIR young adult females & penultimate male! $115
0.1 Aphonopelma gabeli "Chiricahuan Gray", Uncommon in the hobby, WC 4" adult female, $74
12 Aphonopelma chalcodes "Arizona Blond" (lowland morph), great beginner species! WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
1.0 Aphonopelma chalcodes "Sierra Vista morph" (rare highland morph), WC sub-adult 4" male, $70
12 Aphonopelma crinirufum "Costa Rican Blue Front”, CB unsexed 2”, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea., 12+@$110 ea.
3 Acanthoscurria simoensi (ex-Acanthoscurria fracta) “Para Mongo Tarantula” (this is one of the MOST defensive Ts on earth!), WC unsexed 3”-4", $200 ea.
1.0 Aphonopelma moderatum "Rio Grande Gold", 3" sub-adult, $129
2.0 Aphonopelma peloncillo "Peloncillo Mountains Tarantula”, Rarely made available! WC recently mature males, $75 ea.
2 Avicularia avicularia "Guyana Pinktoe", M1 type, WC unsexed juveniles/sub-adults 3"-3.25", $24 ea.
0.1 Avicularia juruensis M2 (ex A. urticans), “Peruvian Purple Pinktoe”, young adult female, 4.75”, $200
12 Avicularia purpurea "Ecuadorian Purple Pinktoe", CB unsexed .75" to 1" spiderlings, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
1 Brachypelma albiceps “Mexican Gold Red Rump”, CB unsexed .5”spiderling, $42.95 ea.
6 Brachypelma emilia “Mexican Painted”, CB unsexed 3”-4”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea.
4 Brachypelma hamorii “Mexican Red Knee”, CB unsexed 1”spiderling, $39.95 ea.
0.1 Brachypelma hamorii “Mexican Red Knee”, CB 3.5”+ sub-adult female! $197.95 3 Brachypelma smithi (ex. B. annitha), CB unsexed .5”- .75” spiderlings, $46.95 ea.
2 Bumba horrida “Brazilian Red Head”, CB 1.5” juveniles showing the red carapace! $43.95 ea.
25 Caribena laeta “Puerto Rican Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea., 12+@$80 ea.
• Caribena versicolor “Antilles Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 1”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12@$50 ea., 25+@$45 ea.
• Caribena versicolor “Antilles Pinktoe”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$85 ea., 25+@$80 ea.
12 Ceratogyrus darlingi "Rear Horn Baboon”, CB unsexed 2”-2.5”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12+@$45 ea.
12 Chilobrachys dyscolus “Vietnamese Blue Earth Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40ea.
1 Chilobrachys guangxiensis "Chinese Giant Fawn Earth Tiger", CB unsexed 1.5"+, $39
12 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB unsexed .75”-1.75”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12+@$60 ea.
12 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB 1.75”-2.5”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.
12 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens “Greenbottle Blue”, CB 3”-4”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea., 12@$180 ea.
1 Citharognathus tongimianensis "Chinese Stout-leg Baboon", Rare & unique! CB unsexed 1.5" juvenile $60
12 Cyriocosmus elegans “Trinidad Dwarf”, CB unsexed 1”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12+@$45 ea.
12 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", CB unsexed .5" spiderlings, $34 ea., 6@$32 ea.
6 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.
0.6 Cyriopagopus lividus "Cobalt Blue", WC sub-adults/adults FEMALES, $120 ea.
12 Davus pentaloris "Guatemalan Tiger Rump”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea., 12+@$110 ea.
6 Ephebous murinus "Skelton", WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
0.6 Ephebous murinus "Skelton", WC sub-adult/adult FEMALES, $110 ea.
6 Ephebous uatuman "Emerald Skelton", WC unsexed juvenile to sub-adults, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea.
0.6 Ephebous uatuman "Skelton", WC sub-adult/adult FEMALES, $110 ea.
• Eupalaestrus campestratus “Pink Zebra Beauty”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$80 ea., 25+@$70 ea.
2 Eupalaestrus weijenberghi “White-collared”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $140 ea.
12 Euathlus truculentus “Chilean Blue Femur”, CB unsexed .5”-1”, $110 ea., 6@$105 ea., 12+@$100 ea.
4 Grammostola mendozae “Argentine Brown”, RARE! CB 1.5”-2”, $200 ea.
12 Grammostola rosea “RED rose hair’, CB unsexed .5”, $80 ea., 6@$75 ea., 12+@$70 ea.
12 Hapalopus formosus “Pumpkin Patch” (large morph), CB unsexed .5" to .75", $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12+@$40 ea.
12 Hapalopus formosus “Pumpkin Patch” (large morph), CB unsexed 1” to 2" juveniles, $120 ea., 6@$115 ea., 12+@$110 ea.
0.2 Heteroscodra maculata "Ornamental Baboon”, WC unsexed sub-adult/adult $95 ea.
6 Heterothele villosella "Tanzanian Chestnut Baboon”, CB unsexed 1”-2”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea.
6 Homoeomma chilense “Chilean Flame”, RARE! CB unsexed .25”, $200 ea., 6@$95 ea.
3 Hysterocrates crassipes "Cameroon Mouse Brown Baboon", CB unsexed 1" spiderlings, $22 ea.
1 Hysterocrates gigas "Cameroon Red Baboon", CR unsexed .75” spiderlings, $15
1 Hysterocrates laticeps "Nigerian Rust Leg Baboon", CB 1" spiderlings, $22 ea.
100+ Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", CB unsexed .25" to .5" spiderlings, DEALS!!! Sold in 5 lots or more only: 5@$10ea., 10@$9 ea., 20@$8 ea., 50+@$7 ea.
18 Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", CB unsexed 1"-1.5"+ spiderlings, $19 ea., 6@$18 ea., 12+@$17 ea.
1 Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", CB unsexed 2.25" juvenile, $34
2 Hysterocrates sp. "Niger Delta", WC unsexed 4"-4.75" sub-adults, $100 ea.
300 Lasiocyano (ex- Pterinopelma) sazimai "Brazilian Blue", CB unsexed 2nd instar 0.25" slings $24 ea.,10@$18 ea., 20@$15 ea.
3 Lasiocyano (ex- Pterinopelma) sazimai "Brazilian Blue", CB unsexed .75" to 1" spiderlings, $29.99 ea.
0.1 Lasiodora klugi "Bahia Scarlet Birdeater", CB 2.5"+ juvenile FEMALE! $145
1 Megaphobema velvetoma “Ecuardorian Brown Velvet”, WC unsexed sub-adult 5”+, $120
12 Monocentrophus balfouri “Socotra Blue Baboon”, CB unsexed 3”-3.75”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
12 Neoholothele incei “Trinidad Gold”, CB unsexed 1”-2", $80 ea., 6@$75 ea., 12+@$70 ea.
400 Nhandu chromatus "Brazilian Red & White", CB unsexed 0.75 to 1 " 1 slings well started showing color $28 ea., 10@$24 ea., 20@$20 ea., 50+@$16 ea.
12 Omothymus sp. “hati hati”, CB unsexed .75" to 1" spiderlings, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
12 Omothymus sp. “hati hati”, CB unsexed 2"-2.25" juveniles, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
12 Omothymus schioedtei “Malaysian Earth Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
12 Ornithoctoninae sp. "Vietnam Silver”, CB unsexed 2”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.
9 Ornithoctonus sp. "Ranong Blue-violet Earth Tiger", 1st USA hatch out! NEW to the U.S. hobby in 2023! Absolutely stunning in color! CB unsexed .75" spiderlings, $35 ea. NOTE: great price! Don't snooze on getting these beauties as they molt and grow, expect pricing to rise rapidly!
2.0 Pamphobeteus cf. nigricolor (Ecuador), CB 4.5”-6" sub-adult/penultimate, $195
12 Pamphobeteus sp. "Machala”, CB unsexed 1" to 1.75" spiderlings”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$90 ea.
12 Pamphobeteus sp. "Machala”, CB unsexed 2”-3" juveniles, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. "mascara", (dark form), CB 5.75"-6" sub-adult female, $325
12 Pamphobeteus sp. “manganegra”, CB unsexed 1”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12+@$140 ea.
• Pamphobeteus sp. "platyomma”, CB unsexed 1”, $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$90 ea.
12 Pamphobeteus sp. "Tigris", CB unsexed 1”-2”, $130 ea., 6@$125 ea., 12@$120 ea.
12 Pamphobeteus insignis (Colombia) "Colombian Purple Bloom", THE REAL insignis!
• Super rare USA captive-born REAL P. insignis (Colombia)
• This species has only been captive-bred successfully a handful of times since the late '90s.
• Grow to leg spans of 7"-8".
• Mature males are absolutely stunning in deep purple sheen in their femurs.
• Females of this species has the deep purple as well making it rare in its genus for the females to be colorful.
• Pamphobeteus species are THE best "display" tarantula as they are active, eat well, and show off their colors for you.
• Growth rate is moderate with males maturing in about 1.5-2 yrs. and females around 3 to 3.5 years. Females can breed at 5.75" leg spans.
• The REAL P. insignis (Colombia) differs from the more common "Pamphobeteus sp. "insignis" (Ecuador) with better coloration and spiderlings lack the "X-mas tree" abdominal markings that the Ecuadorian species has. The Ecuadorian species will eventually be proven to be one of the newly described Pamphobeteus species of 2024 and is NOT related and/or associated with P. insignis (Colombia).
Qty. for sale: 25 (limited supply as we are holding back a lot from a small sac of 66 for future breeding projects)
CB unsexed 1" spiderlings, $174 ea. or 6@$169 ea., 12@$164 ea.
12 Pamphobeteus vespertinus, CB unsexed 1”-2", $130 ea., 6@$125 ea., 12+@$120 ea.
• Phormictopus sp. “Dominican Purple”, CB unsexed 2”, $150 ea., 6@$145 ea., 12@$140 ea.
12 Phormictopus auratus "Caribbean Bronze", CB unsexed 1", $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12+@$60 ea.
10 Phormingochilus sp. "Akcaya", Rarely offered; grows to 7.5"+; beautiful! CB unsexed .75" spiderlings, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea.
10 Phormingochilus sp. Rufus. "Peach Earth Tiger”, Amazing arboreal! Beautiful, FAST, very defensive, agile and only for advanced keepers. CB unsexed juveniles 1.75”-2”! $37 ea., 6+@$35 ea.
12 Poecilotheria metallica “Gooty Sapphire Ornamental”, CB 2”-3”, $190 ea., 6@$185 ea., 12@$180 ea.
12 Poecilotheria miranda “Bengal 4-spotted Ornamental”, CB 2", $100 ea., 6@$95 ea., 12@$85 ea.
2 Poecilotheria rufilata “Giant Slate Red Ornamental”, CB unsexed 2"-3" juveniles, $150 ea.
12 Psalmopoeus cambridgei “Trinidad Chevron”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12+@$40 ea.
12 Psalmopoeus irminia “Sun Tiger”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $70 ea., 6@$65 ea., 12@$60 ea.
• Psalmopoeus victori “Darth Maul Tarantula”, CB unsexed 2”-3”, $170 ea., 6@$165 ea., 12@$160 ea.
12 Pterinochilus lugardi “Fort Hall Baboon, CB unsexed 1”, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40 ea.
1 Pseudhapalopus sp. "Colombian Dwarf Blue", CB unsexed .25", $47.95
12 Thrixopelma cyaneolum “Peruvian Cobalt Redrump”, CB unsexed .5”, $60 ea., 6@$55 ea., 12+@$45 ea.
5 Tliltocatl vagans "Mexican Red Rump”, CB unsexed 1”-1.5" large spiderlings (well-started! ), $18.95 ea.
12 Theraphosa apophysis "Goliath Pinkfoot Birdeater", CB unsexed 1"-2", $100 ea., 6@$95 ea.
1 Theraphosa apophysis "Goliath Pinkfoot Birdeater", CB unsexed 5" sub-adult, $150
12 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC unsexed juveniles to sub-adults, $90 ea., 6@$85 ea.
2.0 Theraphosa stirmi "Burgundy Goliath Birdeater", WC sub-adult/penultimate 6" to 6.25"+, perfect size for timing your T. stirmi breeding project! $100 ea.
• Acanthogonatus pissi "Chilean Golden Tiger”, CB unsexed .5”, $130 ea., 6@$125 ea., 12+@$120 ea.
0.1 Atmetochilus songsangchotei "Thai Black Funnel Web Trapdoor”, WC adult females, $140
100 Diplura Rurrenabaque "Bolivian Curtainweb Spiders", CB unsexed 0.25" slings, $24 ea., 10@$20 ea., 20+@$14 ea.
2 Linothele sericata "Colombian Blue Funnel Web", CB unsexed .75", $49.99 ea.
2 Eucteniza relata "Rio Grande Trapdoor Spider", Rarely offered! WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $56 ea.
10 Sphodros abbotti "Abott's Purseweb Spiders", $24 ea., 6+@$22 ea.
TRUE SPIDERS: Wild-caught, unsexed juveniles to adults; minimum order is often 6 lots or more as these are field-collected stock.
20 Argiope aurantia "Black and Gold Argiope Spiders", $10 ea., 6+@$9 ea.
10 Argiope trifasciata "Banded Zipper Spiders", $10 ea., 6+@$9 ea.
50 Eresus walckenaeri “Green Lady Bird Spider”, CB unsexed .10” to .25”, 3 lots or more only, 3@$50 ea., 6@$45 ea., 12@$40 ea., 25+@$35 ea.
20 Dolomedes okefinokensis "Okeefinokee Giant Fishing Spiders", $14 ea., 6+@$12 ea.
20 Dolomedes triton "Six Spotted Raft Fishing Spiders", $12 ea., 6+@$10 ea.
20 Habronattus sp. “Paradise Jumper”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6+@$45 ea.
2 Heteropoda sp. "Thai Giant Cave Huntsman", CB unsexed 1.5"-2" juvenile, $59
14 Heteropoda venatoria "FL Giant Tropical Huntsman Spiders", $16 ea., 6+@$14 ea.
10 Hogna huelo "Black Wolf Spiders" , $10 ea., 6+@$9 ea.
50 Hogna miami "FL Field Wolf Spiders", $8 ea., 6+@$7 ea.
• Kukulcania hibernalis "FL Black Hole Spiders", $10 ea., 10@$8 ea.
• Latrodectus geometricus "Brown Widow", Venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $12 ea., 6@$9.50 ea., 12@$9 ea.
• Latrodectus hesperus "Western Black Widow", Venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $19 ea., 6@$17 ea., 12@$15 ea.
0.1 Macroctenus kingsleyi "Golden Blue Femur Wandering Spider", Incredible color! Grows to a 6" leg span!, WC adult female, , $55
• Phidippus clarus “FL Red-back Jumping Spider” , WC unsexed sub-adults/adults $44.95 ea., 6@$42.95 ea.
1.1 Phidippus morpheus “Dream Jumping Spider”, Very rarely offered! WC sub-adults/adults, $89 for the PAIR!
• Phidippus regius "Regal Jumping Spiders", $20 ea., 20+@$18 ea.
1 Piloctenus haematostoma "Red Fang Wandering Spider”, venomous form required (inquire), WC 3.5”, probable female, missing one left after being imported (will grown back!), $75
3 Pissurina mira "Nursery Web Fishing Spiders", $16 ea.
4 Stegodyphus lineatus "Euro Desert Striped Velvet Spider", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $80 ea.
50 Trichonephila clavipes "Giant Golden Silk Spiders", $10 ea., 10@$8 ea.
CENTIPEDES: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted:
1 Hemiscolopendra maculata "Eastern Bark Centipede", WC 1.75"-2", $12
22 Rhysida longipes "Redtail Olive Centipedes", WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $12 ea., 6+@$11 ea.
10 Scolopendra cf. alternans (Hispaniola Giant Red Centipede), SUPER RARE! They are capable of 10”+ lengths and have a beautiful red coloration. CB unsexed 1.5”-2” juveniles $350 ea.
1 Scolopendra cf. dehaani " Mt. Merapi Giant Black", Super rare! Grows to 10"+! WC unsexed 6.75"+ adult, $398.95
1 Scolopendra sp. "Sulawesi / Piceoflava", 5", sub-adult, $268.95
1 Scolopendra heros "Desert Giant Blacktail Centipede" (West Texas), Rarely offered! WC unsexed sub-adult, $170
6 Scolopendra longipes "FL Giant Keys", 5”+, WC unsexed 1.5"-3" juveniles, $24 ea.
1 Scolopendra longipes "FL Giant Keys", 5”+, WC unsexed 5”+ adults, $59 ea.
15 Scolopendra polymorpha “SW American Tiger Centipede”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $40 ea., 6+@$38 ea.
VINEGAROONS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted
2 Mastigoproctus giganteus "TX Giant Vinegaroon", WC unsexed juveniles, $29 ea.
SCORPIONS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted; venomous species require you to be an adult and fill out our venomous form (inquire using our contact page).
25 Androctonus bicolor, venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
• Centruroides hentzi "Florida Striped Bark Scorpions", $12 ea., 10@$10 ea., 20+@$8 ea.
• Centruroides guanensis "Bahama Longtail Bark Scorpions", $16 ea. 6+@$14 ea.
• Centruroides gracilis "Caribbean (the big FL Barks) Bark Scorpions", $16 ea., 6@$14 ea., 12@$12 ea.
25 Centruroides margaritatus "Central American Bark", venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6@$28 ea., 12@26 ea.
• Hadrurus arizonensis "Desert Hairy Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $30 ea., 6+@$28 ea.
4 Hetermetrus cimrmani (ex - H.laevigatus) "Thai Forest", RARE! CR 1.5”+ babies, $15 ea.
17 Hoffmannius spinigerus “Striped Devil Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $10 ea., 6@$9 ea., 12+@$8 ea.
25 Leiurus quinquestriatus, venomous, adult sale only, venomous form required (inquire), WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
12 Scorpio maurus “Israeli Gold Scorpion”, WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $50 ea., 6@$45 ea.
• Vaejovis confusus "Yellow Devil Scorpions", $12 ea., 10@$10 ea., 20+@$8 ea.
TAILLESS WHIP SCORPIONS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted
25 Phrynus marginemaculatus "Florida Tailless Whipspiders", $18 ea., 10+@$16 ea.
MILLPEDES: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted
2 Atophochetus dollfusi “Thai Rainbow”, Super rare and beautiful! WC unsexed sub-adult/s adults, $49 ea.
• Chicobolus spinigerus "Florida Ivory Millipedes", 20@$4 ea., 50@$3 ea., 100+@$2 ea.
• Narceous americanus "North American Pinkfoot Millipedes" (Baton Rouge,LA locality), 20@$5 ea., 50+@$4 ea.
• Narceous gordanus "Smoky Oak Millipedes" (Yellow Banded Marion County, FL), 20@$5 ea., 50+@$4 ea.
• Trigonilius coralinus "Scarlet Millipedes" 20@$4 ea., 50@$3 ea., 100+@$2 ea.
• Anadenobolus monilicornis "Bumblebee Millipedes", 20@$4 ea., 50@$3 ea., 100+@$2 ea.
• Floridobolus floydi "Floyd's Scrub Millipedes "mini" - minifloydi" dwarf locality of floydi first time offered to the trade very rare , 20$5 ea., 50+@$4 ea.
INSECTS: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted
• Asbolus verrucosus "Blue Death Feigning Beetle", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $29 ea., 6@$27 ea., 12@$25 ea.
• Romalea microptera "Eastern Lubber Grasshoppers" - LARGE SUB nymphs $6 ea., 6@$5.50 ea., 12+@$5 ea.
• Opiliones spp. "Daddy Long Legs" (harmless!), $9.75 ea., 6@$8.75 ea., 12+@$7.75 ea.
• Tenodera sinensis "Chinese Praying Mantis", $9.75 ea., 6@$8.75 ea., 12+@$7.75 ea.
Amphibians: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted; Delicate to ship, so NO live arrival on amphibians during summer and winter months
• Purple Harlequin Toads (Atelopus barbotini), WC adult males, $70 ea., 6+@$65 ea.
12 Common Suriname Toads (Bufo marmorata), WC unsexed juvenile to adult $24 ea.
15 South American Giant Marine Toads (Rhinella marina), WC unsexed 7”-8”, $170 ea. (No sales to AZ, KY, CA)
12 Theloderma corticale "Vietnamese Mossy Leaf Frog", WC unsexed sub-adult/adult, $250 ea., 6@$245 ea.
12 Theloderma bicolor "Mini Mossy Frog", WC unsexed juvenile to adult, $160 ea., 6@$155 ea.
Lizards: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted
1.0 Grand Cayman Blue Rock Iguana Hybrid (Cyclura lewisi x nubila) , CB unsexed $500
15 Gold Dust Day Geckos (Phelsuma laticauda) WC unsexed juveniles to adults, $90 ea., 6+@$85 ea.
• Brown Anoles (Norops sagrei) (great for feeding large tarantulas and centipedes)
10 lot @$6 ea., 20 lot @$5 ea., 50 lot @$4 ea., 100 to 1,000 lots @$3 ea.
3 Reef Geckos (Sphaerodactylus notatus) , Rarely offered! $36 ea.
• Ornate Uromastyxs (Uromastyx ornata), WC unsexed babies, $300 ea., 6@$275 ea.
5 Ornate Uromastyxs (Uromastyx ornata), WC sub-adult/adult females, $450 ea.
Snakes: Wild-caught and unsexed unless noted / note check your local state restrictions on North American snakes before ordering).
2 Childrens Pythons (Antaresia childreni) CB unsexed juvenile to adult $280 ea.
5 Striped Spotted Pythons(Antaresia maculosa), CB unsexed babies, $350 ea.
5 Stimson's Pythons (Antaresia stimsoni) CB unsexed babies, $350 ea.
4 Chilomeniscus stramineus (cinctus) "Banded Sand Snakes", $80 ea.
2 Brazilian Rainbow Boas (Epicrates cenchria), WC unsexed juvenile to adult $390 ea.
6 Morelia azurea azurea "Green Tree Python" (Biak type), CR unsexed babies to adults, $650 ea., 6@$625 ea.
2 Morelia viridis "Green Tree Python" (Aru type), CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $900 ea.
2 Morelia viridis "Green Tree Python" (Aru type), "HIGH WHITE" ,CR unsexed juveniles to adults, $1,300 ea.
1 Albino Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata), CB unsexed baby, $390
1 Albino Carpet Python (Morelia spilota variegata), CB unsexed juvenile, $590
5 Nerodia clarki "Gulf Salt Marsh Snake", AD $90 ea.
1 Rhinocheilus lecontei "Texas Longnose Snakes" $40 ea.
• MINIMUM ORDER IS $50 OF LIVESTOCK (NOT COUNTING SHIPPING COSTS) • Use our contact page linked below and copy and paste what you want and include your full name, address, and phone # and we will be confirm your order and email you payment total and instructions, Fedex Ship Center address, and ship date. Thank you!
Use our contact page to copy and paste what you want and send in your order. Min. order is $50 in animals (not counting shipping costs).
* Do NOT send private messages using this website. Just put your questions in the comments section of the order form linked above.
Terms of Service: Live Arrival Guarantee. Purchase price must be over $50. You must accept the package on the first delivery attempt. The temperature at your locality must be over 40F and below 90F for delivery. Issues with shipment must be reported to me via (email, phone, whatever) within 4 hours of receipt. Etc. Refund Policy: To receive a refund, you must (take pictures of the DOA with a pin in the animal and/or ship the DOA back to me at your own cost, etc) Refunds will (only be given in store credit, be the same as paid, etc). Shipping cost will not be refunded. Etc.