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Yet again, I know this is a big stretch but it never hurts to try. My A. seemanni is 3-4 inches in leg span and has made a burrow to the bottom of its enclosure. I tried getting the best picture possible but it’s still not very clear.
SO I've found out some more accurate labelling and pricing for these two;
1x 4" Costa Rican Striped Knee Male $30 + Shipping
1x 2' Mexican Redknee Male$40 + Shipping
$60 for both
No Delivery on Temp over 80 degrees
Whatever happens in shipping I'm not responsible for, but I will pack them...
Buckeye, our affectionately and poorly named A. Seemani got her permanent upgrade today. It's somewhat western themed, because even though we're planning on adding a red knee and an arizona blond i couldnt wait to do a western theme haha