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I recently realised that Poecilotheria Metallica is critically endangered. I once thought to add it to my collection in the future, but now realising that they are critically endangered, I am now in a perpetual debate and in indecisive turmoil.
On the one hand, purchasing, breeding and...
Hey All,
My Poecilotheria Metallica matured a few days ago and was wondering if anyone in the LA area was interested in either purchase or open to other options (loan, etc.)
I also have a P. Irminia that matured back in January and I would honestly throw him in with the P. Metallica if it is...
MM P. Metallica for sale.
Matured in November, I've been trying get a female but they are rather rare at the moment and I do need the space. It will be sad to see him go as he's been great fun to raise up. I have been insanely lucky with getting females but I guess you can't win them all...
Hello everyone, I'm leaving the trade. This is what I got left. Both T's are very healthy and kept at 84 degrees and 50% humidity in the day. and 10-15 variable degrees lower at night.
- MF PMetallica - molted from 6" to 6" 1/2+ around new years 2020. Exact age unknown. Very receptive to males...