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  1. 1000104554.jpg


    Friends. P.metallica mating
  2. Keymond69

    U.K. Mature male P.metallica for sale

    My male P.metallica matured 3 months ago. I am now selling him. Message me.of interested. I have just paired him with my female P.metallica. see attached pictures.
  3. Roxy_451

    Should I Rehouse Now?

    I want to know if I should move my p.metallica now or after its next molt (should be in a week or so). I haven't really needed to do a rehouse before because my other T is a b.hamorii and hasn't molted in over a year and since it grows so slowly, i never really needed to rehouse it yet. (When I...
  4. 8

    Make or Female P. Metallica?

    Can I get some input on where this looks to be a make or a female. This is a 1.5” P. Metallic
  5. P. Metallica

    P. Metallica

    This is my 1” P. Metallica. Just got a speed light for my camera and the results are incredible!
  6. D

    Poecilotheria Metallica M or F? 3.5”

  7. D

    Poecilotheria Metallica 3.5” m or f?
