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  1. Nhandu carapoensis

    Nhandu carapoensis

    My big girl, Octavia. Really trying to work on my photography
  2. Nhandu carapoensis

    Nhandu carapoensis

    A study of my gal Octavia. Colored Pencil and paint markers
  3. Somebody is gonna molt soon

    Somebody is gonna molt soon

    N. colorativillous in premolt
  4. N coloratovillosus portrait

    N coloratovillosus portrait

    Just settling in
  5. Terrariumerrific

    Nhandu Chromatus sling

    Hey everyone! I picked up two slings at an expo last weekend and one of them is a Brazilian Red and White. It happened to molt on the drive home and was hiding out in its tiny tube until this morning, where I checked on it just now and found it running around the container looking for more...
  6. JSReptilesUK

    Some of the Ts

    We have 15 tarantulas currently - but don't have photos of them all to hand. So here are a few of them: Ronnie the N. Coloratovillosus Fly the C. Cyaneopubescens Jellybean the C.Versicolor Mr T the B. Albopilosum (our first T!)