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dwarf tarantula

  1. Webbed_obsessed

    Cyriocosmus sp tambopata success

    Looks to be a huge amount of slings from this female. I believe this to be the first US eggsac of Cyriocosmus sp tambopata. Cannot wait for them to molt.
  2. M

    Handleable Dwarf tarantula

    I know this is a contentious issue but I was hoping to get a dwarf tarantula that will allow some handling. Seems like some of the best ones you can’t find like the H Chilensis but just curious if anyone has any recommendations of a dwarf that they have been able to handle lightly but...
  3. Webbed_obsessed

    Cyriocosmus sp tambopata pairing

    Got a good pairing from one of my Cyriocosmus sp tambopata this morning. The male had lost a front limb during the molt but it did not hinder breeding at all.
  4. Webbed_obsessed

    Cyriocosmus ritae success

    The first female ritae produced us an eggsac. Not no where near the numbers I'd like but 53 is not bad for her first. I have a few more females that need to drop and I'll most likely pair her again if she molts. They are some of the cutest Cyriocosmus for sure. My wife calls them the little...