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Hi everybody.
Just an update, i added the crickets and they seem to be tolerating one another. i haven't found any dead bodies as of yet.
thank you. :)
Good day Everybody.
I have an enclosure of about 8 Madagascar hissing cockroaches, They are in the adult phase of their life cycle and range between 3 to 5 cm's in length.
Recently i was given a container of large soft shell crickets, about 12 of them.
Seen as they eat similar foods and their...
Hey Everybody!
Winter time here in S.A n its getting rather cold.
i have 4 beautiful T's: Psalmopoeus irminia
Brachypelma smithi
Grammostola pulchripes
Lasiodora klugi
I am worried they are...
Hey there
Thank you for your reply, I am going to change the tank tomorrow n put a nice long piece of bark for her to hide n play.
I just fed her a mealworm, the first one she missed, but for the 2nd one she was like having open arms waiting for food, like she Was in attack mode. It was so cute.
Hey there...
As requested here are the pics of my enclosures.
Tomorrow is a public holiday so i will be changing the cage for my Psalmopoeus irminia and will post more pics.
Hey Nicolas.
Thank you for your response. When I get home later I will post a pic. I hav also heard that when it comes close to a molt that she starts losing grip on her feet. She is still accepting food n doesn't look like she will molt anytime soon.
I have ensured there is no mold or...
And also.......
I have a Psalmopoeus irminia, which is very active during the evenings and still during the day (i take it they are nocturnal).
The reason for this is to find out why she is constantly climbing the sides, tries to get on the roof of the tank, then she falls, tries again but...
Hey guys
Thank you for your responses n sorry i took so long to reply.
You are all right with the species: Nhandu chromatus. I can concur with that.
Below i have uploaded a picture of my Nhandu chromatus, named Isis....... ( after the Egyptian Goddess and not the Islamic Movement)
Hey all
I got 2 new t's just the other day, and was wondering if it is possible to identify the sex and species if this T.
The other T i got was a Venezuelan suntiger (Psalmopoeus irminia).
Please help me sex and identify this one:
Please notice the Red Rump.......
Thanks :)
Good day my friendly Tarantula friends
I have a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Green Bottle Blue) and was wondering if you know of any alternative heating methods, other than a heating pad and heating wire, for the tank. When I feel the walls and they are very cold, and my T is constantly...
Thank you for your response, and the reasons for my querie is that my scarlet never rejected food. I moved her into a new tank in Jan, to which she seems happy, and was accepting food. Then she started not accepting food then did her first molt in the new cage. It has been 3-4 weeks since her...
Heya everybody
So i have pictures as requested.
With the G.Rosea i can understand her not eating, as I have seen reports where they can go without food for a long time, sometimes up to 6 months or longer.