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Search results

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    US Mature Males for breeding projects

    Hello! I'm looking for mature males or immature males for my breeding project. -Phlogiellus johnreylazoi M -Ornithoctoninae sp. Hana M If you know or you're that someone who has this and willing to sell me your male T please hmu on my discord (fastest way to reach me) artxmis0001 Thank you for...
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    US Looking for Poecilotherias.

    Hi! I'm looking for Poecilotheria Slings. I'm specifically looking for these only; -P. Formosa -P. Smithi -P Striata -P. Vittata -P. Ornata -P. Subfusca -P. Miranda -P. Tigrinawesseli -P. Hanumavilasumica -I live in TX, so I'm hoping that there are TX vendors here-
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    HELP! Escaped Slings

    So yesterday 6/7/23 I recently got 9 new slings and overnight 2 of them escaped. One of them was my Lasiodora parahybana and the another one was Tliltocatl vagan. I left them in my room overnight and when I woke up they were gone! I don't know how on earth do I find them because they are so tiny...