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Search results

  1. ckbramlett

    Need help sexing my C. versicolor

    I hope so too! Fingers crossed.
  2. ckbramlett

    Can anyone help sexy my baby? :)

    What do you think the sex is?! - Here’s my roughly 1 year old C. Versicolor! The breeder tells me it’s much easier to sex them based on the molt but I don’t have the recent one! He said if he had to guess he would think female. What do you guys think? - Thank you SO much in advance! This is my...
  3. ckbramlett

    Need help sexing my C. versicolor

    Yours looks extremely similar to mine! I’m going to hop on this thread with you! - The breeder told me he likes to use molts to confirm but he thinks mine is female! Maybe yours is too! - What do you guys think?