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Search results

  1. AntrozousPallidus12

    US Tarantulas 4 Sale

    Messaging you!
  2. AntrozousPallidus12

    US 2,000+ organic mealworms (Western Mass)

    I have about 2,000+ big organic mealworms (grown on organic wheat bran and organic carrots only) available. Can use to start your own mealworm farm or to feed directly to pets. Can buy smaller quantities for less. PM me for pricing. Can only do direct pickup or meetup in Western Mass. No...
  3. AntrozousPallidus12

    US FS: Females, pairs, males.

    Great! Thanks for educating me! So I'm assuming she's still available. Is she captive bred or wild caught?
  4. AntrozousPallidus12

    US Aphonopelma seemanni (Blue Form) Female for Sale

    Is your A. seemanni still available?
  5. AntrozousPallidus12

    US FS: Females, pairs, males.

    Hi! Is your adult A. seemanni a female? If so, is she available?
  6. AntrozousPallidus12

    US Updated price list

    Hi. Are any of your A. seemannis adult females?
  7. AntrozousPallidus12

    US MM Aphonopelma seemanni available (local pickup/delivery only)

    Hello, I have a mature male Aphonopelma seemanni available for breeding. He just recently came out of his final molt and made his sperm tent. Local pickup or delivery only (Western Mass). Thank you.