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I bought a 50 count of mealworms and I apparently have awful luck or did something very wrong since a lot died! I currently only have 1 beetle and a most likely dead pupa.. should I raise dubias, crickets, or stick to mealworms? I have rats and a toad so I'm not worried about having too many...
I currently have just 1 tarantula, she's a Lasiodora parahybana but I plan on getting more in the near future. My dream species is probably an obt! I used to have one but it passed away while still a sling which sucks.
She was originally my sister tarantula but she stopped taking care of her and just left her when she moved, so I've become a tarantula owner now.. she's an around 3? Lasiodora parahybana, I feel like she's super small for her age but besides that is her abdomen being so big despite not eating...