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Search results

  1. Holly

    Caribena Versicolor

    Hydrating tonight!
  2. Holly

    Psalmopoeus Irminia

    So...I have my first Psalmopoeus Irminia! The spiderling is approx .75" and is feeding 2 times weekly. I have plans on rehousing in about a month, give or take. My final rehouse after outgrowing the 2nd enclousure will be an exo terra with double doors on the front 18"x12"x12". I found a...
  3. Holly

    After dinner drink

    After dinner drink!
  4. Holly

    After molt..DKS symptoms

    I have had this brachypelma smithi for about 2 years now, got it as a sling. Up until this last molt a few weeks ago, all was well. Feeding on crickets and dubia's alternatively. Suddenly this past week it has been very jerky in it's movements and also very jumpy, flicking legs wildly. Not...
  5. Holly

    Feeding Slings

    I have a brachypelma albicepts sling approximately 1/4". I have put in the enclosure 1 wk old crickets and also wingless fruit flies. I have read that super worms cut up are an excellent source of nutrition for them? How small would these be cut up? I also have a Grammostola Pulchra about 1/2"...
  6. Holly

    Hi! I'm Holly

    I have a B Smithi, Grammostola Rosea and am getting my Euathlus Sp sling tomorrow. A bit nervous about the small size of this one though as it will be my first sling 1/4 + inch. Tiny! Hopefully it and I will survive this new episode in trantula keeping.....I'm optimistic!