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Search results

  1. Charliemum

    Hi all

    Hi all, Charliemum here from the uk, (North east,) I currently keep 100 t's, several true spoods n 4 cats . I love my son my animals n all things vintage, and I look forward to making friends, and hopefully helping others on this site .
  2. Charliemum

    Comment by 'Charliemum' in media 'Nhandu Coloratovillosus'

    Nhandu version of the foot long sub
  3. Charliemum

    Tarantula species that surprised you?

    Sericopelma santa catalina. I knew they were pretty after seeing them on a Tom Moran upload , I knew I needed one as soon as I saw them but nothing prepared me for how absolutely stunning they are rl. Not only are they beautiful but they dig like there is no tomorrow destroying everything and...
  4. Charliemum

    Let's do a contest for Tarantula Army!

    Just joined because Andrew told me too . Behold my beautiful girl, Marigold Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra af