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Search results

  1. Nemoq

    Klugi sex help

    Hey guys my moms got a lasiodora klugi (sorry for spelling) and she wants some.help.swxing it hope you guys can help
  2. Nemoq

    T id please

    I dont think this pic is good its a bit blury sorry
  3. Nemoq

    T id please

    I still have the molt yes and will take another pic as soon as i can thank you guys
  4. Nemoq

    Help sex my G.Pulchripes

    Thank you very much i appreciate the help
  5. Nemoq

    T id please

    Sorry for being a pest but can you maybe help.sex my G.pulchripes
  6. Nemoq

    T id please

    So no.need for alarm them. I thought that her enclosure might be a bit small
  7. Nemoq

    T id please

    Maybe you can help with this. She buries everything i gave her a small water dish burried i gave her a hide burried l. Am.i doung something wrong or what?
  8. Nemoq

    T id please

    Great that helps alot thank you then i am confident she is PZB
  9. Nemoq

    Photo Contest

    They are very gorgeous he was my first T and also.my favourite i absolutely love the pulchripes
  10. Nemoq

    T id please

    She looks alot like my Grammastola pulchripes thats why i asked the id and i want to do some research on her but i need to.know i have the right species. Alot of people say they are slow spiders but mine is super fast the way people describe the PZB is not like mine at all
  11. Nemoq

    Photo Contest

    Gambit he jus after his molt 2 days ago
  12. Nemoq

    Help identify this T

    Oky i made a new thread if you guys can check it out please i would realy appreciate it. The thread is T id please
  13. Nemoq

    T id please

    Eupalaestras Campestratus please confirm. I made a new thread because for some.reason i cant load pics on the old one.
  14. Nemoq

    Help identify this T

    She is about 2 inches i would say and for some reason i cant load another pic will try again soon
  15. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Ofcourse ;) i will post some.pics later on when he isnt shy anymore haha
  16. Nemoq

    Photo Contest

    Im new only have two T's haha Grammastola Pulchripes and Eupalaestras Campestratus but will keep my eyes open when you get to them. BTW this is a briliant idea
  17. Nemoq

    Help identify this T

    I got this beauty as a gift and they say she is a Eupalaestras Campestratus could anyone confirm this please
  18. Nemoq

    Help sex my G.Pulchripes

    And you are 100 percent certain?
  19. Nemoq

    Help sex my G.Pulchripes

    Hope you guys can help me sex my T. Cant wait to hear from you
  20. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Hey all happy new year to you guys. Gambit finally did his molt he is beautiful now very gorgeous. And thank you for all your advise