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Search results

  1. S

    Caribena Versicolor too young to tell?

    This last molt it destroyed the abdomen part so I couldn't tell. The previous molts were too small to see and I don't have a microscope.
  2. S

    Caribena Versicolor too young to tell?

    Hi there, I've had this Versicolor since the beginning of last August. It has molted 3 times in the past 6 months I've had it with its most recent molt being just yesterday morning. I was wondering if it's too early to tell if this one is male or female.
  3. S

    Hi there! I'm new here in the Tarantula hobby.

    This is how I have him or her set up. It's a DIY acrylic food grade container with locking lid. I used a soldering iron to add adequate ventilation and cross ventilation. I'm going to add a plant in there, I'm not sure if a Live plant or a fake one would be more appropriate. Oh, and coconut coir...
  4. S

    Hi there! I'm new here in the Tarantula hobby.

    Hello, my name is Sean. I have always wanted a tarantula to add to my growing collection of deeply loved critters. Currently, I have 2 bearded dragons and a dog after having to relinquish my large fish tanks to good homes when I moved. I have recently acquired a Caribena Versicolor from my local...