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So, I took the plunge and brought a female P. Metallica; brought her from an Invert Show and she is just gorgeous.
I’m new to the hobby and have a Curly Hair, Red Knee, Gold Knee and a Pink Toe.
My new Pokie scares me a little as she’s sooooo fast!
I know they are for experienced keepers...
My new T’s arrived today! 2 slings. A Curly Hair and a Golden Knee.
The Curly seems a lot larger than the Golden, is this just due to the species?
Any help appreciated
Hello Everyone,
I'm Samantha and live in Essex in the UK. For years I used to be afraid of anything with 8 legs or more!; that was until my next door neighbour invited me over to see her T collection - she has 21!
She asked if I would like to hold one to overcome my fear (in my head I was...