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Recent content by dr doug pernikoff

  1. dr doug pernikoff

    can you ship tonite for overnite to doug pernikoff 32 clarkson-wilson center...

    can you ship tonite for overnite to doug pernikoff 32 clarkson-wilson center chesterfield missouri 63017 if he is near spent, would you do a split on the babes should a sac appear????? let me know overnite only postal express air or ups express are cheapest i believe. may...
  2. dr doug pernikoff

    so, confused. i wrote last week trying to find what g. pulchra you have available. it appears...

    so, confused. i wrote last week trying to find what g. pulchra you have available. it appears you have two animals, one 3" one 4" true???? so, how do i connect to negotiate a sale. please email to dpernikoff@gmail.com thanks. doug
  3. dr doug pernikoff

    still trying to understand available critters. can you please email me directly to...

    still trying to understand available critters. can you please email me directly to dpernikoff@gmail.com thanks so much. doug
  4. dr doug pernikoff

    US 150$ 4" female Brachypelma Smithi Mexican Red Knee

    wondering what spiders are available. the smithi and metallica would both be of interest. thanks so much. doug dpernikoff@gmail.com
  5. dr doug pernikoff

    any chance your pulchra or others still available. if so, please contact me at...

    any chance your pulchra or others still available. if so, please contact me at dpernikoff@gmail.com as many as you have . doug
  6. dr doug pernikoff

    mature male Grammastola pulchra for trade to right person

    wondering whether this pulchra male is still available. size???? i have a fat female ready to go. doug dpernikoff@gmail.com
  7. dr doug pernikoff

    US Tarantulas

    i am a pulchra admirer. do you have any critters 2.5" up to adult. looking for as many as you can sell. thanks so much. doug please respond to dpernikoff@gmail.com
  8. dr doug pernikoff

    Tarantulas livestock on Sale

    by chance, any pulchras still available? i would be interested in singapores 2.5 " or larger as well. finally, the p. metallica and the gbb are on my search list. let me know at dpernikoff@gmail.com thanks doug
  9. dr doug pernikoff

    Theraphosa blondi, Avicularia versicolor, and Grammostola rosea

    by chance, is the a versicolor still available. and do you have cb history regarding your t. blondi. many turn out to be t. stirmi????? doug
  10. dr doug pernikoff

    if available, i have 4 adult females ready to breed. let me know if you have them studs for my...

    if available, i have 4 adult females ready to breed. let me know if you have them studs for my girls. would want both. happy to provide babies back. please contact me at dpernikoff@gmail.com thanks so much. doug
  11. dr doug pernikoff

    are your male pulchra still available. i have a chunky female and would love to breed her with...

    are your male pulchra still available. i have a chunky female and would love to breed her with your boys. can i either share a breeding, or buy them outright. if available contact me at dpernikoff@gmail.com i have an immature male approaching maturity. but, would like to go ahead and try...