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  • Also I never asked about your disease how can you get your disease you've? Also are you alright? I'm wondering if you're alright or not? :/
    I hope all is well sorry for not sending any messages much as a should lately it's just been sloth stuck mode don't wanna do anything but sit and dwell on myself. But I hope you're doing well and make sure you tell your bf I said hello :D
    My T best friend you were correct look at my new post :D
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    Reactions: AlyeskaWolf
    sorry i havent been on here in like 2 weeks. But yay!! I just checked my redrump, she has already doubled in size.
    Tara Russell
    Tara Russell
    Same I've no internet till Friday that's why I was never on Skype. Also still 2 tiny for a photo? Also I found this rare Betta? It's light yellow with minty spring green fins :D anyways lol I bought 3 T's for Mother's Day XD
    Awwwww, Ima text ya. My PC has been giving me nausea...because of my brain tumor.
    *sighs* I really wish more people stood up for the right things these days...its what America is supposed to be all about...
    You can inbox me maybe none of my business but how did he die? Also I know how you feel my Dad's Mom is dying she is 86 there is nothing can be done she has collapsed vain and her heart arteries really bad and she s choking on her blood so :/
    I am SO sorry...that is how my grandmother went...Ill inbox you.
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