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Is what @Thistles says correct? Is this a boy? Mine is soon to moult so hopefully will be able to sex from the moult soon. Didn't think yours was big enough yet as hought not much difference between ours? Mine is still less than 2 inches!
Lovely T regardless of sex ☺
@Phil I've messaged Thistles with a picture of belly as I was tending to think female but I'm not confident sexing yet. Zulu has just moulted I think but I can't find the old exo and it's now around 3" dls.
@Enn49 Hey, sorry, that belly pic wasn't as helpful as this one. I can see the hint of emboli on his palps in this pic, plus his legs are quite long and have the more greyish color. The males do mature small in baboons. My female is about 4" and she's mature and breedable.
@Thistles looks like @Enn49 needs to plan a trip to the states put him to good use. I will send pics of mine once moulted if not before for the "Thistles sexing" clinic
@Phil Here's a funny thing: baboons are my very favorites, but I'm the worst at sexing them. I'll see what I can do, but no guarantees. They're really hard for me.
@Enn49 yes you must. I remember all the heartache you had getting "him" so would be a shame if he didn't manage to hook up (literally) with a little lady too.