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Meet Ember. safely arrived from Germany to the UK today. not best pic but she is a virtually black Brachypelma emelia. The red hairs that remain on the legs give the impression of smouldering charcoal....well it does to me.ha ha
Very cool. I wouldn't be surprised for it to turn normal after a molt.

Color changes can happen with molts.
Very interesting, never seen a b.emelia like this, the orange usually turns tan in color before a molt so I don't think its in pre molt just a unique T I guess. Congrats on adding this beaut Phil.
@Tgotty90 I have a few adult emelia already and yes there is a dulling of colour between moults but have studied this one carefully and there is a lot more black hairs. the red hairs appear to be morw on the underside and the carapace is a lot darker but can still make out the tell tale triangle of the emelia.
@Tgotty90 you misunderstand. It's not like colors dulling from premolt. It's literally a color change.
I've seen G pulchra turn half brown for amolt, then turn normal next molt.

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Phil's Ts in 2017
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Exposure time
1/409 second(s)
File size
2.8 MB
Date taken
Thu, 14 September 2017 6:31 PM
2341px x 2234px

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