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Poecilotheria ornata "Hissy"
I'm glad you held her without getting injured, but I'd seriously read the bite reports for pokies. They are non lethal but a bite will still put you in the hospital.
@Whitelightning777 Thank you. I know how potent their venom is but that doesn't make me stop handling. Sadly, I'm the kind of person that needs to get bit to learn a lesson. I have to be thankful all my pokies are calm.
I don't think either one of mine would sit there on my hand like that. They would be gone!!! :pBeautiful spider!!!!:D
At repticon, I purchased a scorpion sold as the selfie scorpion. It was a trick. Since it was February, the inside temperature was barely 60 degrees. Of course the scorp would sit still, no energy to move and warm blooded humans are like a heating pad.

Put her up to around 80 degrees where she belongs and the truth comes out--hell on wheels!!

Thank God she can't climb the glass!!

I would suggest perhaps investigating this technique for spiders. If your hand is 98.6 and the room isn't, a cold blooded animal should want to chill out.

Pokies haven't killed anyone yet, but why try out for the Darwin award?

You could overdose on pain pills or wreck driving to the hospital or clinic.

Here's some good for thought. This owner is one of the most experienced in the country.

My Versicolor has gone AWOL from enclosures that were too small when I first got her. That satisfied my curiosity.

Stay safe!! We actually care here, no snark generally.
Gotta say it is interesting, but risky. Still it's a great photograph of her and the color balance is perfect.

Stay safe!!

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