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@Steph It looks pretty big but I assure you, the avic big enough and tough enough to chow down on this critter! That's her tum filled for another week.
@Grammostola in my heart, you'll love the versi, but be aware they are fast and need an upright enclosure, small amount of substrate and something tall like a tree or log that they can be creative with. They need a heat source and to be misted a couple of times a week, other than that they are easy peasy to keep. They are quite docile like the rosea too which is nice. Oh and the versi does like a hitler march when it walks, it's quite amusing .
@Grammostola in my heart, yeah I'm in the UK's south coast! Much colder! You'll get away with it then, just make sure the babies web and substrate is sprayed often and fed once a week, it'll be fine .
thx....... ya see, i kept one before, but it had mold BEFORE I GOT IT and i didnt get a refund....... thats the ONE time paul becker screwed someone over
@Grammostola in my heart that's really unfortunate. I had a gorgeous Rosea, bought her in october, she suffered a bad molt prior to me buying her but I didn't let that deter me, I thought she was cute with a missing leg and a stumpy one. Anyway, she died in march, I think she had a parasite or something... poor girl. I take it your avic versi is coming from a different place this time lol?
yeah. now im buying from stampstarantulas. they have GREAT prices! u can get a p smithi for just $75! thats a deal and a half! yes, i meant p. as in poecilotheria