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Wow, she's a lot bigger than my female is! My female has hardly grown in the 2 years since I bought her, she only has around a 5cm leg span. My adult male P. cambridgei needed an adult female.. but he died the other week.. poor old boy (even though he was only about 20 months old, he grew at an alarming rate).
How long have you had Angel?
@Loafman Angel is also about 5 cm ls, had it for about two months or so. A real piggy, eats a lot. I don't know Angels sex yet though
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that about your male such a shame
@Marija Wow, she/he looks a lot bigger than 5cm in that picture! My female (I don't actually know if it's a female either to be honest) turns down a lot of food, and has only moulted once in the last 15 months! Pic here,
Mind you, looking at the length of my one's legs it could be another male..
@Loafman Even though Angel is small it does show a lot of lovely colors. Here is he/she, a bit smaller than now
It molted once while I had it.
I've heard that males have less of an appetite and when I look at my G pulchripes Lucifer it's true, that boy won't eat at all.
I do hope your Chiana turns out to be female after all