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@Loafman Little darlingi had all it's legs when I got him and it gave me a hard time when transfering, tried to catch it all over the table so I might have hurt it while tried to catch it
The other day I saw that its leg was detached and on the substrate.
It should molt soon, refusing food for two weeks now so we'll see
@Marija Ah, poor little fella. Yeah, I read that they can drop limbs, even if there is a slight injury to one (I think I read it in The Tarantula Keepers Guide). Doesn't cause them any real concern apparently. Hopefully he'll at least have a start of a new leg after the moult.. you could rename him "Stumpy" for a while..
@Loafman He doesn't mind not having all his legs, still runs like crazy
I hope that he recovers his leg in a few molts. Until then his nickname will indeed be Stumpy Grumpy Stumpy