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Rhombodera Basilis!
Gage Denney

Rhombodera Basilis!

This is Aphrodite, my malaysian giant shield mantis! Such a beauty!
@AlyeskaWolf the big black "pupils" are actually from a condition called eye-rub. It's caused be the mantid rubbing its head/eyes on the enclosure. It's most common with the this species. I don't think it effects their health much, except for maybe a slight deficit in vision. It does make them look like some kind of Japanese cartoon doesn't it!?
@HungryGhost oh wow...thanks for the info i did not know that, Ive raised manti's before but none did that. But yeah, def japanese cartoonish. Aw poor girl, she does look very healthy otherwise, nice fat abdomen.

And Spirited Away, awesome.

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