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IT'S AN iPHONE 5S!!!!!!! I made sure the HDR setting was turned on, and I made sure there was GOOD LIGHTING. It was a very bright and sunny day that day. Spidey's enclosure is next to a window and I turned the blinds so the light was angled toward it's enclosure. Spidey happened to be facing the camera when I took this one (obviously). I zoomed in a little as well! I must have take like 25 photos for this 1.
" AN iPHONE 5S!!!!!!! I made sure the HDR setting was turned on, and I made sure there was GOOD LIGHTING. It was a very bright and sunny day that day. Spidey's enclosure is next to a window and I turned the blinds so the light was angled toward it's enclosure. Spidey happened to be facing the camera when I took this one (obviously). I zoomed in a little as well! I must have take like 25 photos for this"
That was a 21 year old me.
Yes. iPhone 5s. I'm a photographer now and still keep T's.
The magic to any photo is lighting. Sun/natural light > artificial light/LEDs.
It's good to be back.