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Why we use "mechanical moms" and ICU units!!!

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3 Year Member
South Africa
"Cannibalism" among tarantulas has implications for the Dynamics

of terrestrial/arboreal food webs. Spiders are common, ubiquitous arthropod generalist

in most natural and managed terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, the relationship

of spiders that exhibit "cannibalism" is due to
  • food limitation
  • competition
  • population numbers
has "direct bearing "on the survival parentage of the slings/spiders.
Here I will once again state we are dealing with "captive species" therefore there behavior is different in comparison to that of wild caught specimens. in a' controlled environment" one can apply protocols and implement them to ensure the survival rate is higher than the mortality rate.


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3 Year Member
South Africa
yes whatever works for you :) in an artificial environment "human" intervention will be needed as there is nothing natural about keeping a tarantula in a confined space.... refer to it as artificial please and not natural. There is a "BIG" difference.


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3 Year Member
It works great for me. :)
They may be artificially kept, but we try keep them as naturally as possible, hence the peat, cork tubes and simulating natural conditions. And like I said, success with 6 different pokie species successfully kept with their offspring (never mind all the other genera) is enough proof that my way works for me. :)

Martin Oosthuysen

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South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
Okay,I have to say this in any science its progress like what he has done with the mechanical mom. Its like when people invented the locomotive, some kicked up a storm and yet all these years down the line we still use them with way better models. As stated science progresses, this helps the tarantula hobby progress its part of it. I have never used this only the mom, but I am certainly open for learning and progressing. As for weaker offspring, maybe in the wild they would have a 10% chance but only because there's no one to tend to them these are captive. Even if they are weaker as slings, they will survive and have the exact same gene pool as their siblings. So the gene pool stays the same, no dilution just human intervention. Otherwise I can stop feeding all my T's and they must just survive that's how nature wanted it, mmm one problem they aren't in their natural environment. So caring for a T or incubating a T, or employing his mechanical mom its a form of human intervention.


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3 Year Member
Like I said, different theories that all work. I just believe survival of the fittest, and if they were going to die in the wild to strengthen and evolve the species and this has been happening for centuries, then I would like to try replicate it in captivity. :)


Active Member
3 Year Member
South Africa
Well said there Martin:) one must be open minded here and not narrow minded. Narrow minded ppl still think the earth is "FLAT" lol... It's futile proving science prevails to someone who doesn't fully understand it. Maybe all the ppl in the hobby that try it " naturally" In fact is artificially" simulating favorable conditions within the vivarium. Should go read up the importance of an icu unit and surprisingly most in the hobby pull the " sack" on a specific day and then use a self made ICU unit lol lol 90% of people do this to ensure a higher survival rate.

Martin Oosthuysen

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
Anything we do with our pets is seen as artificial or human intervention, to simplify my view stealing a small item or stealing a large one its still theft. So intervening in a small way or in a larger way its intervention, its we who take over natures role. Only nature left in captivity is the course there of life and death, in between is controlled by us.


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3 Year Member
I must say, I am not a fan of narrow minded people or people who don't understand science either, so we have something in common. :) Breeders like Hendrik (The best breeder in SA) doesn't use mechanical mom's and has been successful, so definitely different ways to do things successfully. :)


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3 Year Member
South Africa
Hendrik has not bred P metallica this year!!! And I called and asked him 3 weeks ago. We have nothing in common actually because I am scientifically orientated and because this is my field of work as a nature conservationist and you are a " naturalist" big difference. If. Not for science man would still be in the " Stone Age"

Martin Oosthuysen

Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
Mmm, Hendrik shouldn't be brought into a conversation he did not choose to be part of. I highly dislike when peoples names are used when they're not present, the fact remains its well explained above. Human intervention is seen throughout the T's life, as for selective T's to survive as in nature that's not the same other factors could have played into it. Again, we use a lot of artificial things for our T's like artificial hides plants and other things, even the feeders are from human intervention suppliers who captive breed them. So in the end, intervention no matter the amount is intervention. So we do control our T's life, as he is doing with the mechanical mom science progress not regress. Its also humanity that sets us apart, caring for what we hold dearest. So shoot me for caring and wanting to try something possibly better, thumbs up to you for the mechanical mom wonder if the guy who thought of the ICU and incubator got the same treatment ?


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3 Year Member
South Africa
How do we go from "why we use icu units" to Hendrik's breeding? Yes he leaves with mom and he does not share mortality rates with anyone so nobody can comment with regards to his population numbers regarding varied species.


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3 Year Member
South Africa
Yes Hendrik is a good breeder dunno why he is now pulled in??? Not on at all. Just for interest sake his partner uses a mechanical mom and they both pull sacks and place in icu tubs just for the record!!!!!
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