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My baybeees


3 Year Member
They were in the shade and their tank was sprayed often with mist.

It was Minnesota.

They acted more happy at night outside with the fresh air, humidity, and the noise of the crickets and toads.

More nature like.


3 Year Member
Im looking for a goliath breeder near Minnesota...can I order them and have them shipped?

Anyone else here own hatian browns?


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
What happens if a child wandering in those woods comes across your Ts, opens up a container and gets a serious bite from your OBT for instance? How will you feel if that child suffers badly from the bite? I'm guessing you'll treat it as a joke.


3 Year Member
I would never EVER let anyone but me hold or get near an OBT.

They are kept inside. Now all of them are inside.

Sometimes if people are at the house I move my buddies outdoors for a time but baboons stay in small containers you can keep in a back pack.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
I would never EVER let anyone but me hold or get near an OBT.

They are kept inside. Now all of them are inside.

Sometimes if people are at the house I move my buddies outdoors for a time but baboons stay in small containers you can keep in a back pack.

The only way you could guarantee no child would access them is if you stayed with them.

I feel sorry for all your Ts being subjected to all the stress you dish out to them. Serve you right if you get a bad bite, you'd certainly not get any sympathy from anyone on this forum..


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
After watching your videos and reading some of the statements you have made on this thread it is quite clear that you really don't have any knowledge of tarantula's and not only should you stop posting these irresponsible videos but you should also stop keeping tarantula's as well.
It is people like you that will end up getting some serious restrictions put on this hobby with your irresponsible behaviour,now before you say I'm talking rubbish here take another look at the video off the OBT and tell me if that's not irresponsible in the extreme.


3 Year Member
I can change a spiders personality.I have even done it with wild spiders and I've done it with aggressive water snakes as well.

now there is the possibility that if I were to have gotten the spider to become very docile to the human touch and affectionate massage of the abdomen, and then left the spider alone for a month or more, it would go back to being just as aggressive but I've never done that. Spiders are smarter than you give them credit for.

There are spiders that can live most of their time underwater by creating scuba diving gear out of a web that captures air and oxygen!


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
You can never guarantee that they won't turn, even cats and dogs that have been domesticated for centuries can revert to their wild instincts. They are wild creatures and one day you will learn that the hard, painful way.


3 Year Member
I love arachnids and have a tenderness for them more than anyone else I know.

when my desert trantula received a wound on his knee I ran it to the gas station and bought super glue...then I sprinted to the girl I know that is most experienced with spider first aid.

I get very depressed and stressed if ts ever suffer an injury or death.

spiders excite me so much that when I am around them I am NOT just a kid in the candy store I experience euphoria.

I beat myself up a lot for my mistreatment of those baboon spiders but I keep the videos because people like to see them and that impressive defensive position where they stand erect.

I cringe at what I have done in my past and how I have not respected my tarantulas by making a display of them before people for shock value.

when I get the money I intend to move to Florida and breed new species of tarantulas that can survive in Florida and populate the place with them to keep the pests down.

spiders are natural insecticide and they need to be respected and should never be killed. other insecticides cause cancer yet spiders are the answer.

kill a spider and you've decided you want thousands more flies and bad things in the world.

After watching your videos and reading some of the statements you have made on this thread it is quite clear that you really don't have any knowledge of tarantula's and not only should you stop posting these irresponsible videos but you should also stop keeping tarantula's as well.
It is people like you that will end up getting some serious restrictions put on this hobby with your irresponsible behaviour,now before you say I'm talking rubbish here take another look at the video off the OBT and tell me if that's not irresponsible in the extreme.


Active Member
3 Year Member
I feel sorry for your spiders and anyone you might be endangering by leaving them places that you say you have. Not that this will do any good, but you can't 'tame' a spider or change its 'personality'. They don't want to interact with you or anyone else; end of story. Yes, eventually you can condition most animals to be more tolerant of certain treatment, but that doesn't mean you've changed their nature.


3 Year Member
I feel sorry for any trantula that I have harmed in my ignorance.

I hope people will learn from my mistakes.

and I knew that by coming to the site and posting these things I would experience public humiliation.

but good will come out of it.

what I said in those videos was often times not wise.

but I know a T can be tamed and I swear by it.
I feel sorry for your spiders and anyone you might be endangering by leaving them places that you say you have. Not that this will do any good, but you can't 'tame' a spider or change its 'personality'. They don't want to interact with you or anyone else; end of story. Yes, eventually you can condition most animals to be more tolerant of certain treatment, but that doesn't mean you've changed their nature.


3 Year Member

It is a pink King baboon. Amazing Spider. they make tunnels.

I do not like this video at all largely because I was drunk and I do not like that the spider fell, poor thing.

He only fell about a foot because I was kneeling and he fell off my knee but the video makes it look like he fell further.

he experienced no injury.

but it is good that others see what I did wrong.

but also you can learn from this video how to handle the t

see how right after snapping on me I was able to let him crawl on my hands and he was not hostile?

they will never bite when you approach them that way and I would even be willing to hold a black widow, because I have confidence in knowing how to and to not handle a spider, and you know when they are about to bite.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lower Hudson River Valley NY
I love arachnids and have a tenderness for them more than anyone else I know.

when my desert trantula received a wound on his knee I ran it to the gas station and bought super glue...then I sprinted to the girl I know that is most experienced with spider first aid.

I get very depressed and stressed if ts ever suffer an injury or death.

spiders excite me so much that when I am around them I am NOT just a kid in the candy store I experience euphoria.

I beat myself up a lot for my mistreatment of those baboon spiders but I keep the videos because people like to see them and that impressive defensive position where they stand erect.

I cringe at what I have done in my past and how I have not respected my tarantulas by making a display of them before people for shock value.

when I get the money I intend to move to Florida and breed new species of tarantulas that can survive in Florida and populate the place with them to keep the pests down.

spiders are natural insecticide and they need to be respected and should never be killed. other insecticides cause cancer yet spiders are the answer.

kill a spider and you've decided you want thousands more flies and bad things in the world.

You are an extremely delusional person and should be banned from caring for any living creature.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lower Hudson River Valley NY

It is a pink King baboon. Amazing Spider. they make tunnels.

I do not like this video at all largely because I was drunk and I do not like that the spider fell, poor thing.

He only fell about a foot because I was kneeling and he fell off my knee but the video makes it look like he fell further.

he experienced no injury.

but it is good that others see what I did wrong.

but also you can learn from this video how to handle the t

see how right after snapping on me I was able to let him crawl on my hands and he was not hostile?

they will never bite when you approach them that way and I would even be willing to hold a black widow, because I have confidence in knowing how to and to not handle a spider, and you know when they are about to bite.



Active Member
3 Year Member
You say you don't advise the things you do in your videos, but by posting them you are promoting that sort of behavior. You just said you kept posting them because people wanted to see the defense position of the spiders; that doesn't discourage people from doing what you did.


3 Year Member
people are entertained by it sort of like when you film a crocodile eating an antelope while it stops to get a drink people like to watch those things.

especially if there are kids nearby they like to watch the spiders snap at me and stand up like that.

they don't want to be involved in it they just want to watch it happen to me.

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